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Activities Conducted by AGEPI on the Occasion of Europe Day in the Republic of Moldova

On the occasion of Europe Day, event that will be registered in the Republic of Moldova during the entire month of May, the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), along with other ministries and agencies in the country, organizes a series of events designed to

Seminar de instruire in domeniul brevetelor 04.05.2011
Training Seminar in the Field of Patents 04.05.2011
Семинар-тренинг в области патентов

В целях реализации Проекта Twinning «Поддержка осуществления и соблюдения прав интеллектуальной собственности в Республике Молдова», инициированного 1 ноября 2010 года, 3-5 мая, в AGEPI, которое является основным бенефициаром проекта, проводится семинар-тренинг в области патентов, для экспертов A

Вниманию всех заинтересованных лиц, заявителей и обладателей товарных знаков

Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) опубликовала список № 65 Международных непатентованных названий для фармацевтической продукции (RecommendedINN: List 65.

In atentia tuturor persoanelor interesate, solicitantilor si titularilor de marci

Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS) a publicat Lista nr. 65 a Denumirilor Comune Internationale pentru produse farmaceutice (Recommended INN: List 65. WHO Drug Information, Vol. 25, No.

REACTII DE PRESA. Cu privire la marcile “НЕЗАВИСИМАЯ МОЛДОВА” si “MOLDOVA SUVERANA”, in contextul declaratiei PCRM din 14.04.2011, aparuta pe

Fiind implicata in calitate de intervenient in litigiile de judecata pe marginea marcilor vizate in declaratia mentionata, Agentia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala (AGEPI) aduce la cunostinta opiniei publice urmatoarele.

PRESS REACTIONS. Concerning the Trademarks “НЕЗАВИСИМАЯ МОЛДОВА” and “MOLDOVA SUVERANA” in the Context of CPRM Statement of 04/14/2011 Appeared on

Being involved as intervener in the court disputes on trademarks referred to in the mentioned statement, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) informs the public on the following.

Advertisement to All Interested Persons, Applicants and Trademark Owners

World Health Organization (WHO) published the List no. 65 of international nonproprietary names for pharmaceutical substances (Recommended INN: List 65. WHO Drug Information, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2011).

Targul International de Inventii si Idei Practice „Invest-Invent SIR 21”

Societatea Inventatorilor din Romania (SIR) si Filiala Societatii Inventatorilor din Romania Maramures, in parteneriat cu Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare, Camera de Comert si Industrie Maramures, Primaria Municipiului Baia Mare, Consiliul Judetean Maramures si S.C.

Al 15-lea Salon International al Cercetarii, Inovarii si Transferului Tehnologic si Conferinta Internationala “INVENTICA-2011”

Institutul National de Inventica Iasi (INI) si Societatea Inventatorilor din Romania, in colaborare cu Universitatea Tehnica «Gh. Asachi» din Iasi, sub egida Autoritatii Nationale pentru Cercetare Stiintifica, deruleaza in perioada 8-10 iunie 2011 la Iasi, in Aula Universitatii Tehnice “Gh.

The 15th International Exhibition of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer and the International Conference “INVENTICA-2011”

The National Institute of Inventions (NII) and the Romanian Inventors Society, in cooperation with the Technical University “Gh Asachi” of Iasi, under the aegis of the National Authority for Scientific Research, unfolds between 8 to 10 June 2011 in Iasi, in the Auditorium of the Technical Univers

International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas “Invest-Invent RIS 21”

Romanian Inventors Society (RIS) and the Maramures Branch of the Romanian Inventors Sociaty, in partnership with the North University of Baia Mare, Maramures Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Municipality of Baia Mare, Maramures County Council and CS “Ramirez” JSC from Baia Mare, invite to

AGEPI si ASEM au incheiat un acord de colaborare in domeniul proprietatii intelectuale

La 19 aprilie curent, Agentia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala (AGEPI), reprezentata de dr.

AGEPI and AESM Signed a Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Intellectual Property

On 19 April this year, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), represented by Dr.

AGEPI и ASEM подписали Соглашение о сотрудничестве в области интеллектуальной собственности

19 апреля 2011 г.

Были завершены переговоры относительно Соглашения между ЕС и РМ о взаимной охране географических указаний пищевой продукции, вин и спиртных напитков

18 апреля 2011 г., в Кишинэу, был парафирован текст Соглашения между Европейским союзом и Правительством Республики Молдова об охране географических указаний для сельскохозяйственной и пищевой продукции.

S-a incheiat negocierea Acordului intre UE-RM privind protectia reciproca a indicatiilor geografice pentru produse alimentare, vinuri si bauturi spirtoase

Pe 18 aprilie curent, la Chisinau a avut loc parafarea textului Acordului intre Uniunea Europeana si Guvernul Republicii Moldova privind protectia indicatiilor geografice pentru produse agricole si alimentare.

The negotiation of the Agreement between EU-RM on Mutual Protection of Geographical Indications for Foodstuffs, Wines and Spirits Came to the End

On 18 April this year, in Chisinau took place the initialing of the text of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs.

Press-release: Ziua Mondiala a Proprietatii Intelectuale-2011 „Conturand Viitorul”

In fiecare an, pe 26 aprilie, statele-membre ale Organizatiei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale (OMPI) sarbatoresc Ziua Mondiala a Proprietatii Intelectuale, care devine pe an ce trece un eveniment tot mai popular.

Programul activitatilor consacrate Zilei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale-26 aprilie, 2011 cu genericul “Conturand Viitorul”

In conformitate cu decizia Adunarii Generale a statelor membre ale Organizatiei Mondiale de

Proprietate Intelectuala (25.09-03.10.2000, Geneva, Elvetia) de a celebra in fiecare an, pe 26 aprilie,

Ziua Mondiala a Proprietatii Intelectuale – 2011

Conturand viitorul

Program of Activities Dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day- 26April 2011 entitled “Designing the Future" 14.04.2011
Press-release: World Intellectual Property Day-2011 “Designing the Future”

Every year, on April 26, Member-States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day, which year after year becomes an increasingly popular event.

World Intellectual Property Day - 2011

Designing the Future




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