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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

19/12/2008 | Events

New structure of the ASM leaders and The Supreme Counsel on Science and Technologic Development

On current December 11, there took place the IX Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in the frame of which there was elected the new structure of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and of the Supreme Counsel on Science and Technologic Development of ASM (CSSDT). According to the... Read more
19/12/2008 | Events

The III-d annual Session of CECI in the frame of UNECE

In the period of December 02-06, 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland in precincts of the National Palace took place the work of the III annual Session of the Committee on Economical Cooperation and Integration (CECI) in the frame of the United Nations European Commission for Europe (UNECE). The delegation... Read more
17/12/2008 | Events

Meeting of the delegation of the Republic of Moldova with Director General WIPO

On December 12, 2008 the delegation of the Republic of Moldova, conducted by Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI, took part in the work of the 46-th round of the General Assembly of the member-states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), taking place in Geneva, Switzerland... Read more
12/12/2008 | Events

The training course in the field of intellectual property in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti

In the period of current December 09-11 in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti started the training course for the professor-didactic body in the field of intellectual property, organized at the support of State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI). The training course program comprised three... Read more
12/12/2008 | Events

The competition “The Trademark – 2008”

In the period of January 27-31, 2009 under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau , International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO”, will take place the VIII-th Universal National Exhibition “FABRICATED IN MOLDOVA”. The aim of the exhibition consists in the contribution... Read more
12/11/2008 | Events

The Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in the field of IP in the frame of CIS countries convoked in Chisinau

On the proposal of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), supported by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the CIS Executive Committee, the XVII-th meeting of the Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in... Read more
05/11/2008 | Events

The catalogue of AGEPI editions for the subscription-2009

Dear users! We represent you „The catalogue of AGEPI editions for the subscription-2009”. The catalogue comprises the periodicals: „The official Bulletin of Intellectual Property” (BOPI), the journal „Intellectus”, supplement thereto „AGEPI-Info”, as well as some periodicals for commercialization... Read more
05/11/2008 | Events

WIPO celebrated the 50-th anniversary from the creation of the international system of registration of the appellations of origin

In the period of October 30-31, 2008 in Lisbon, Portugal took place the international Forum “Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin” organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization” (WIPO) under the support of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Portugal... Read more
03/11/2008 | Events

In attention of the representatives in industrial property, applicants, other interested persons

From November 1, 2008 during the period of a month the access to the database „ Registrul marcilor ” and namely visualization of the bibliographic data of the selected trademarks will be realized gratis. The database „Registrul marcilor” is in the regim of testing and will be actualized weekly on... Read more
27/10/2008 | Events

New possibilities of the commercialization of the intellectual property objects

In the Republic of Moldova started implementation of the STCU Program (Scientific-Technological Center of Ukraine) related with the training of the specialists responsible for commercialization of the scientific realizations, the program was initiated in Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In this... Read more
22/10/2008 | Events

Commercialization of inventions – in the center of attention of AGEPI and STCU

On current October 20 the delegation of the Scientific-Technological Center of Ukraine (Scientific and Technology Center of Ukraine – STCU)* the membership of which consisted of Victor Korsun, the Executive vice-director of the Center (USA), Oleg Zabolotnii, Coordinator in the field of patents,... Read more
21/10/2008 | Events

A familiarization visit of representatives of MRDA and CRDF

On October 20, 2008 in the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) took place the familiarization visit of the representatives of the Association of Research and Development of RM (MRDA) and USA Civil Research and Development Foundation (CRDF). In the frame of the meetings with the... Read more
21/10/2008 | Events

The start of the competition “Trademark-2008”

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RM organizes a press-conference with a title: Carrying out the Republican Competition “Trademark – 2008” which will take place on October 21, 2008 at 11.00, in the conference-hall of CCI of RM, bl. Stefan cel Mare 151, Chisinau. In the frame of the conference... Read more
17/10/2008 | Events

Debt of gratitude to Maestro Ion Druta

On September 16, 2008 in the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) here was carried on the International Symposium with a title “Ion Druta – humanism and contemporaneity”, dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the famous prose writer of our people. Knowing that the work of exception of maestro Ion... Read more
08/10/2008 | Events

The International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and New Technologies “Inventica-2008”

In the period of October 7-11, 2008, in the Exhibition Complex “Romexpo” Bucharest take place the XII International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and New Technologies “INVENTICA-2008”under aegis of the Ministry of Education and Investigations of Romania and the International Salon... Read more


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