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Normative Framework on the Right of Petition

  • Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
  • Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova No. 116/2018
  • Law No. 124/2022 on Electronic Identification and Trust Services

How to submit a petition

For the purposes of the Administrative Code the petition is understood as any request, notification, complaint or proposal addressed by a natural person or legal entity to a public authority.

Requirements for the content of the petition: The petition shall contain the following elements:

  • the forename and surname or name of the petitioner;
  • the domicile or headquarters of the petitioner and e-mail address if a reply is requested by this means;
  • the name of the public authority;
  • the subject of the petition and its justification;
  • the signature of the petitioner or his legal or authorized representative, and in case of the petition sent in electronic form – the electronic signature.

The petition shall be accompanied, where appropriate, by the confirmatory document of the legal representative or the power of attorney based on the electronic signature of the authorized representative, documents or evidence provided for by the legal regulations or considered useful by the petitioner to support the petition.

After receiving the electronic petition, the applicant shall be informed within 2 days, by means of the indicated electronic address, of its registration number.

NOTE! Anonymous petitions or those submitted without indicating the postal or electronic address of the petitioner shall not be examined.

Petitions in electronic form with the electronic signature to the address of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) at the e-mail address:

IMPORTANT! In the process of examining petitions in electronic format, AGEPI shall ensure the confidentiality of personal data and communicated information, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

If the petition does not meet the requirements provided for by the legislation, the petitioner shall be informed of the deficiencies and given a reasonable term for their removal. If the petitioner does not remove the deficiencies within the given time limit, the petition shall not be examined.

If you do not have an electronic address, we recommend that you send the petition in written form on paper carrier:

  • through S.E. “Moldova Post” to the postal address of AGEPI: 24/1, Andrei Doga Str., Chisinau, MD2024, Republic of Moldova;
  • to AGEPI headquarters.

Depending on the specifics of the problem addressed, public authorities, institutions and responsible persons shall be involved in the examination of petitions, according to their areas of competence.

The entities, to the address of which the petition was remitted for examination, shall be entitled to verify the veracity of the information provided by the petitioner and, where appropriate, to request additional information/data for the examination and resolution of the petition, as well as to provide the answer.

The results of the examination of the petition shall be sent to the electronic address of the petitioner (in the case of a petition submitted electronically) or through the post office, within the time limits established by the Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova No. 116/2018.