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The training course in the field of intellectual property in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti


In the period of current December 09-11 in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti started the training course for the professor-didactic body in the field of intellectual property, organized at the support of State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI).

The training course program comprised three fields of the intellectual property, such as “Copyright and related rights”, “Industrial property right” and “Economy and valuation of the intellectual property”. In the frame of the course there were schooled 16 professors and lectors of 5 faculties of the State University, Balti, as well as supervisors of the scientific themes and research projects of this University. Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI and Mr. Ion Gajim, pro-rector on science and international relations of the University took part in the opening of the course.

In the frame of his visit to Balti, Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI, met with Mr. Eugen Plohotniuc, Rector of the State University Balti. The parties discussed the matters on realization of the provisions of the Agreement on the bilateral cooperation in the field of intellectual property protection and promotion, signed by AGEPI and University Balti in 2005, especially on acquainting the researchers, inventors and economic agents from the Nord zone of the republic with procedures and advantages of intellectual property protection in the process of elaboration and implementation of the scientific results in the national economy.

The parties gave a positive appreciation of the actual level of the bilateral cooperation and outlined the priority directions of the activity in the frame of this cooperation, namely: training and education of the staff in the IP field, creation of a laboratory/center of IP and technological transfer under the University.

In this context, AGEPI informed the leaders of the University on measures undertaken in order to form the national personnel in the IP field by seminars, trainings, round tables annually organized with this aim, as well as on the existent problems in the field. In the frame of the meeting there took place the change of opinions in relation to the necessity of introduction in the programs and study plans of the University of all types of skill and training for students, of a special course in the field of IP. The parties appreciated the activity developed by the State University Balti on training the young staff in IP field, including the formation course with the optional title “Introduction in IP” in the plan of 2 faculties of the University (Science of the Nature and Agroecology; Technology, Physics, Mathematics and Informatics), and mentioned the opportunity of initiation of this course at the other faculties.

Another object of discussion there were matters on creation of the laboratories/centers of IP and technologic transfer in the frame of the universities and research institutions and training the specialized staff in order to create conditions and facilities for the process of implementing the scientific results in the national economy. With the aim of realization the proposed objectives, parties agreed on elaboration of a Concrete Plan of the common activity of AGEPI and the State University Balti for the following 2 years.

It should be mentioned that the matters tackled by Mr. Dorian Chirosca in the frame of his visit to Balti constitute the main objective of the new agreement of the bilateral cooperation between AGEPI and some institutions of high education of the republic related to education and training the specialists in the IP field, which now are on the stage of negotiations.