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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

21/02/2009 | Events

Tenth Session of the ASM Assembly

On current February 19 Academy of Sciences of Moldova held the tenth session of the Assembly of ASM activity results for 2008. The event was attended by Ms Zinaida Greceanii, Prime Minister of Moldova, ASM Assembly members, directors of institutions in the fields of science and innovation, rectors... Read more
20/02/2009 | Events

Dynamics of filing international patent applications in 2008

Filing international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation (PCT) in accordance with WIPO Treaty in 2008 increased by 2.4%, reaching 164000. In spite of the fact that the dynamic was modest compared with an average of 9.3% in the last three years, all applications submitted in 2008... Read more
13/02/2009 | Events

To the concerned persons – the CDs “Inventions protected in the Republic of Moldova”

AGEPI ensures access to the National Collection of Patents for inventions from RM and collections from other countries containing some 20 millions of documents stored on optical discs. In particular, it refers to Collection of patents issued in RM; Collection of European and international patents;... Read more
13/02/2009 | Events

The collection of abstracts “Reports on research in the field of science and innovation”

In order to promote the results of scientific research activity obtained by institutions and organizations in Moldova in the sphere of science and innovation projects, funded by state fully or partially, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) has developed and edited the Collection of... Read more
11/02/2009 | Events

Working visit to the European Commission

On current January 28 AGEPI took part in the EU-RM Bilateral Technical Meeting on issues of intellectual property rights protection, convened in Brussels by the European Commission. The meeting was chaired by F. Marchal, coordinating sectoral policy, DG RELEX, and D. Chirosca, Director general... Read more
04/02/2009 | Events

Welcome! Singapore Treaty on Trademark Law

On December 16, 2008 Republic of Moldova has deposited its instrument of ratification of the Singapore Treaty on the protection of trademarks. Under the Article 28 (2) of the Treaty it will enter into force three months after the deposit of instruments of accession or ratification by 10 states,... Read more
02/02/2009 | Events

2009 - European Year of Creativity and Innovation

At January 7, in the Czech Republic, the country holding the Presidency of the European Union launched the European Year of Creativity and Innovation - 2009, with the slogan “Imagine. Create. Innovate”. The ceremony took place in Prague, being present Jose Manuel Durao Barroso , European Commission... Read more
28/01/2009 | Events

Prediagnosis of intellectual property in small and medium enterprises

The State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI) launched a new type of service – prediagnosis of intellectual property - a European concept to help small and medium enterprises. Prediagnosis is carried out in order to estimate the innovative potential of the enterprise and its using level,... Read more
29/12/2008 | Events

Happy New Year-2009

Dear friends, On the occasion of the New Year 2009 and the Christmas holydays , I address my cordial congratulations of health and prosperity to each of you separately and to the entire innovational community of the Republic of Moldova. I wish happiness and well-being, comprehension and support... Read more
19/12/2008 | Events

New structure of the ASM leaders and The Supreme Counsel on Science and Technologic Development

On current December 11, there took place the IX Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in the frame of which there was elected the new structure of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and of the Supreme Counsel on Science and Technologic Development of ASM (CSSDT). According to the... Read more
19/12/2008 | Events

The III-d annual Session of CECI in the frame of UNECE

In the period of December 02-06, 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland in precincts of the National Palace took place the work of the III annual Session of the Committee on Economical Cooperation and Integration (CECI) in the frame of the United Nations European Commission for Europe (UNECE). The delegation... Read more
17/12/2008 | Events

Meeting of the delegation of the Republic of Moldova with Director General WIPO

On December 12, 2008 the delegation of the Republic of Moldova, conducted by Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI, took part in the work of the 46-th round of the General Assembly of the member-states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), taking place in Geneva, Switzerland... Read more
12/12/2008 | Events

The training course in the field of intellectual property in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti

In the period of current December 09-11 in the “A. Russo ”State University, Balti started the training course for the professor-didactic body in the field of intellectual property, organized at the support of State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI). The training course program comprised three... Read more
12/12/2008 | Events

The competition “The Trademark – 2008”

In the period of January 27-31, 2009 under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau , International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO”, will take place the VIII-th Universal National Exhibition “FABRICATED IN MOLDOVA”. The aim of the exhibition consists in the contribution... Read more
12/11/2008 | Events

The Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in the field of IP in the frame of CIS countries convoked in Chisinau

On the proposal of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), supported by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the CIS Executive Committee, the XVII-th meeting of the Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in... Read more


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