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Contest “Trademark of the Year 2015” has designated its winners


On June 7 this year, winners of the contests “Trademark of the Year 2015”, “Award for Achievements in Quality” and Gold Medal of the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova” received their well-deserved awards.

The ceremony took place in the “Moldovan Business Gala”, event organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI).

The current edition of Moldovan Business Gala was dedicated to the 25th anniversary from the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Moldova.

The event brought together economic agents, representatives of local public administrations, development partners, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Moldova, members of organizing committee of the said contests and those of expert panels, deputies of the first Parliament, the signatories of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Moldova, specialists from CCI and AGEPI.

The ceremony “Moldovan Business Gala” was inaugurated by Mircea Snegur, First President of the Republic of Moldova. In his greeting, Mircea Snegur said that our country is going through a period of development not quite simple, but the example of winning companies’ activity is a positive incentive for all economic agents from the Republic of Moldova.

Attending the opening of “Moldovan Business Gala”, AGEPI Director General, Octavian Apostol, said that this contest is a further step in promoting local products nationally and internationally, in developing the economy by increasing the competitiveness and capabilities of domestic enterprises to launch new trademarks. Octavian Apostol congratulated the winners and wished them new creative ideas in promoting products and services for the benefit of consumers and economic development of the Republic of Moldova.

At the solemnity inauguration ceremony, Interim President of CCI, Tudor Olaru, said that for producers of goods and service providers participating in the said contests gives the opportunity to know what are the experts’ and consumers’ assessments, and based on the results – to promote the company.

Prizes to laureates of the contest “Trademark of the Year 2015” were handed by the first President of the Republic of Moldova Mircea Snegur, AGEPI Director General Octavian Apostol and Interim President of CCI Tudor Olaru.

For the title of “Trademark of the Year” competed 60 trademarks registered with the AGEPI, at various nominations such as: Favorite of the Year, Consumer Appreciation, Socially Responsible Trademark, Consecrated Trademark, Reputation and Trust, etc.

Depending on the results achieved, winning trademarks received the Silver Medal, Gold Medal or “Golden Mercury” – the highest award of the competition. Among the trademarks that were awarded with “Golden Mercury” is Grand Mersi, Zolusca, Sugar 5 hearts, Floris, Chisinau Beer Lefrucom, Karcher, Velmart, Aqua Uniqa, “Fresh & Joy”, Giovanni Primo, Starnet, Viorica, DOMNITA, ICAM, Floreni S.A., Rogob, Keramin, LUKOIL, Orange, etc.

The Contest “Award for Achievements in Quality”, second edition, was attended by 30 economic agents. The Grant Prix of the contest is “The Goddess of Quality”.

The Gold Medal of the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova” was given to local public administrations that have managed to present at the stand of the district council, arranged in the framework of this exhibition, products and services of the economic agents in the region.

The Contest “Trademark of the Year” was initiated in 2003 and aims to promote successful practices in business and to notice most competitive enterprises in the country that uses not only effective marketing strategies but also international quality management standards.

Below is the list of winners:

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