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Oxana Zaporoniuc, Designated by WIPO as IP Youth Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova


Oxana Zaporoniuc, a 23-year-old young woman, was designated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as IP Youth Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova. The virtual ceremony for the award of this title was organized by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) in partnership with WIPO. The event took place on April 16 and brought to the fore the innovative contributions of the young woman in the field of packaging design.

During the ceremony, the Director General of AGEPI, Eugeniu Rusu, emphasized the importance of Oxana’s involvement and contribution in the promotion of intellectual property (IP) in our country, stating: “Thank you for accepting this mission and for your contribution to the promotion of intellectual property in the Republic of Moldova. Your role as an IP Youth Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova is essential in raising awareness and involving young people in the field of IP and in promoting innovation and creativity in our country. Through your work, you encourage and inspire other young people to explore their creative potential and understand the importance of protecting their ideas and inventions.”

Oxana became known for his design of a cardboard package for the safe transport of liquids, similar to a LEGO game. Through this ingenious design, the package does not require additional details and gives consumers the opportunity to view the bottle without having to open the package. In 2023, the young woman registered her industrial design on the packaging with the State Agency on Intellectual Property.

“After protecting my intellectual property, I feel more confident and safer as an innovative creator, and that’s worth it. The process of registering my industrial design turned out to be easier than what I thought it would be. Many novice university students don't know what IP is, but it is so important for them to learn about it, and it is so helpful to apply for protection”, emphasized Oxana Zaporoniuc, Innovative Designer and WIPO IP Youth Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova.

Oxana Zaporoniuc is the 15th IP Youth Ambassador designated by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

As an IP Youth Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Oxana will be part of a pioneering network to communicate and promote the importance of IP to other young innovators and creators in the region. This initiative is part of the IP4Youth&Teachers Program, launched by the WIPO Academy in 2018, with the purpose to engage young people involved in the creative process to leverage IP for the benefit of their communities. Together with AGEPI, Oxana will contribute to promoting the use of IP among young people. In addition, Oxana will benefit from tailored IP training, which will include public speaking and advocacy courses facilitated by the IP4Youth&Teachers Program. This training will equip her to fulfill her role as an IP Youth Ambassador and to support and inspire other young people to explore and protect innovative ideas.

At the following link you can find an article about Oxana, produced by WIPO: https://www.wipo.int/academy/en/news/2024/news_0023.html .