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More than 150 Pupils presented Their Works in the National Science and Engineering Contest “Mold SEF”, 12th Edition


The National Science and Engineering Contest “Mold SEF” (Moldova Science and Engineering Fair), 12th edition, took place from February 16 to 18, this year. In this year’s Contest, 99 projects were entered, developed by 159 pupils, guided by 73 coordinating teachers.

The competition was organized by the Ministry of Education and Research and the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation in partnership with the Association of ICT Companies, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), with the support of the State University of Moldova, the Film and Media Industries Production Center MEDIACOR and the Republican Center for Children and Youth ARTICO.

At the opening ceremony, the Deputy Director General of AGEPI, Natalia Mogol, was also present, who encouraged the participants to present their ideas and innovations in front of a diverse and demanding audience. “Through this contest, we promote excellence in education and encourage the development of pupils’ creative and technical skills”, said Natalia Mogol, adding that she hopes that this experience will be unique and rewarding for all participants.

In addition, Andrei Moisei, principal consultant within the Communication and Training Division of AGEPI, held an information seminar in the field of intellectual property, addressed to teachers participating in the Contest. This seminar gave teachers the opportunity to better understand the importance and ways of protecting intellectual property in the context of scientific and innovative projects.

The competition was open to pupils of gymnasium and lyceum classes, guided by teachers or scientific researchers, who developed projects in various fields such as natural sciences, applied sciences and information technology. Subject categories included chemistry, biology, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence and more, giving pupils a solid platform to express their creativity and passion for science and technology.

The winners of the national stage of the Contest are pupils of educational institutions from the districts/municipalities: Balti, Cahul, Chisinau, Glodeni, Hincesti, Ialoveni, Singerei, Ungheni and ATU Gagauzia.

The projects proposed for participation in the international stage of the Contest are: “Adjustment of the Degree of Hydrophobicity of Chips for Microfluidics Using Nanoparticles”, developed by Pisarenco Bogdan, 11th grade pupil at the Republican Theoretical Lyceum “Aristotel” of Chisinau and “BWA-METH Workflow for Detection of Global Hypomethylation Biomarkers in Breast Cancer”, elaborated by Iordachi Felicia, 12th grade pupil at the Private Educational Institution Theoretical Lyceum “Orizont” of Chisinau.

The list of winners of the 12th edition of the National Science and Engineering Contest “Mold SEF” can be accessed here.