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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

04/02/2008 | Events

National strategy in the field of innovations for 2008-2011

On the request of the State Agency on Intellectual Property at the assistance of the “Assistance in implementation of APC, WTO and Europe-RM Action Plan in the frame of European Neighborhood Policy” Project, It was elaborated the National Strategy in the field of innovation for 2008-2011 and the... Read more
31/01/2008 | Events

At disposal of the interested persons – CD “Inventions protected in the Republic of Moldova”

AGEPI provides an access to the national collection of patents of RM and collections of other countries containing nearly 20 millions of documents stocked on the optical discs. In particular, the mater concerns the collection of patents issued in RM; collection of European and international patent... Read more
30/01/2008 | Events

Attention of the representatives in industrial property !

The State Agency on Intellectual Property invite you to take part on January 31, 2008 in the quarterly meeting of the representatives in industrial property organized by AGEPI. The meeting will be axed on the information referred to the new provisions of the IP legislation and discussing matters in... Read more
30/01/2008 | Events

Competition “Invention of the year – 2007”

The State Agency on Intellectual Property informs on the IV competition “INVENTION OF THE YEAR – 2007”. The aim of this competition consists in popularizing and sustaining the innovational activity in our country, stimulation of the holders of titles of protection on the inventions and utility... Read more
25/01/2008 | Events

International Conference “Actual Problems of the Intellectual Property”

The State Department on Intellectual Property of Ukraine organizes an International Conference “Actual Problems of the Intellectual Property” that will take place on February 18-22, 2008 in Svalyava, Ukraine. In the frame of the conference there will be tackled actual problems in the field of... Read more
24/01/2008 | Events

The exhibition «Fabricated in Moldova” – a mechanism of promoting the autochthonous products and services

In the period of February 5-8, 2008 in Chisinau in IEC “MOLDEXPO” (str. Ghioceilor, 1) will take place the VII-th National universal exhibition “Fabricated in Moldova” under the aegis of the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The organizers of the exhibition are Ministry of Economy and Commerce... Read more
24/01/2008 | Events

The International Salon of Innovations and Investments in Moscow

We have honor to inform you that in the period of March 3-6, 2008 in the precinct of the Exhibition Center, Russian Federation will start the VIII-th International Salon of Innovations and Investments in Moscow. The Salon is maintained by the international organizations of exhibitions and inventica... Read more
14/12/2007 | Events

VII-th National exhibition “Fabricated in Moldova”

In the period of February 5-8, 2008 in Chisinau on the territory of the IEC „MOLDEXPO” (str. Ghioceilor, 1) will take place the VII-th National Universal Exhibition „FABRICATED IN MOLDOVA” under the aegis of the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The organizers of the exhibition are the... Read more
05/12/2007 | Events

Raise of the competition „The trademark of the year - 2007”

The competition “The trademark of the year - 2007” is initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and in accordance with the Decision of the Executive Bureau No. 216 of 12.12.2003 and is carried out annually. The organizers of the competition are: the Chamber of... Read more
27/11/2007 | Events

From December 1, 2007 the new wording of the Law on protection of the industrial designs enters in force

From December 1, 2007 enters in force the new warding of the Law on protection of the industrial designs adopted on current July 12 by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Elaboration of the new warding of this Law was conditioned first of all by the necessity of harmonization of the... Read more
26/11/2007 | Events

An official publication in the field of copyright and related rights

In the Republic of Moldova is appearing a new publication – The Official Bulletin of Copyright and Related Rights. The Bulletin will offer different information grouped in the sections: “Objects of copyright and related rights registered in the State Register”, “Holders of the control marks”, “... Read more
22/11/2007 | Events

The International Conference “Actual matters of the Intellectual Property Economy”

On November 22-23, 2007 will start the VI-th International Conference “Actual matters of the Intellectual Property Economy” with the title: “The Economic Development based on the knowledge” . The organizers of the Conference are: State Agency on Intellectual Property, National Agency on the... Read more
22/11/2007 | Events

Reflection of the results of the scientific researches in mass-media of the Republic of Moldova

The Independent Center of Journalism (CIJ) and the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO organized on current November 22 the round table “Technologies and scientific innovations of the XXI century. Perspectives of reflection of the scientific results in mass-media of the... Read more
14/11/2007 | Events

Formation of the stuff in the field of IP

On the basis of the license, issued by the Chamber of Licensing of the Republic of Moldova AGEPI organizes periodically training courses for the stuff in the field of intellectual property protection (IPP) and in the field of intellectual property valuation (IPV). During 11 weeks there are studied... Read more
12/11/2007 | Events

Round table for the representatives of the civil society

With a view to provide the process of cooperation with the non-governmental organizations and to realize the objectives of the Plan of Actions Republic of Moldova – European Union, compartment referred to the intellectual property rights, on November 16, 2007 , in the AGEPI conference hall it will... Read more


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