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Raise of the competition „The trademark of the year - 2007”


The competition “The trademark of the year - 2007” is initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and in accordance with the Decision of the Executive Bureau No. 216 of 12.12.2003 and is carried out annually. The organizers of the competition are: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the State Agency on Intellectual Property.

Objectives of the competition:

  • creating the image of the favorable business in the Republic of Moldova;
  • identifying and promoting the perfect strategies of marketing in the field of creation and promotion of the trademarks;
  • demonstration of the greatest realizations in creation of the trademarks and role thereof in the business;
  • organization of the successful trademarks rating in the Moldovan market;
  • examination of the dynamics of creation, utilization and protection of the trademarks in the autochthonous market;
  • informational assistance to the management in the field of high technologies, marketing, publicity, legal protection of the trademarks;
  • efficient integration of the Moldovan market in the European Economy Community.

During 4 years the competition was actively undertaken by the economical agents. In 2003 at the competition there were represented 68 of projects of the most well-known trademarks of the republic, in 2004 – 110, in 2005 – 115 and in 2006 - 98 projects.

At the current competition may take part enterprises and organizations of different type of property, the legal persons registered in the Republic of Moldova, producing material wealth/and or rendering services in the territory of the republic. We shall mention that there will be admitted trademarks which to the moment of registration of the request on participation was already registered in AGEPI, i.e. legal registered in the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, there are invited to take part the foreign owners of the trademarks valid in the territory of our republic.

The represented trademarks will take part in the following nominations:

I. According to the consumption

  • The trademark “Valuation of the consumer”
  • The trademark “The patrimony of the Republic”

II. According to the professionalism

  • Year debut
  • The trademark “Export”
  • The trademark “Inter”
  • The trademark “Lider”

III. According to the closed nominalizations

  • The trademark “Excelenta”

The competition is organized for the period of June 1 – December 20, 2007. The ceremony of awarding will be held in February. According to the tradition, in the manifestation will take part governing bodies of the republic, deputies of the parliament, diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Moldova, businessmen and mass media representatives. Such fact demonstrates the great importance of the trademarks on goods and services in the development of the economy of the country. The participants will contest in the current edition of the competition as in the precedent years the Grand Prix “Mercuriul de Aur” and the title “Marca anului”, that may be used by the winners in the promotional aims during the 2008. After summing up the competition it will be edited the Official Catalogue “The well-known trademarks in the territory of the Republic of Moldova”.

Details on the address: http://marca.chamber.md/ro/index.php