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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

19/06/2012 | Events

Republic of Moldova will participate in the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances

From 20 to 26 June 2012 in Beijing, China, will take place the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, convened at the decision of the General Assembly of Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held in September 2011. The Diplomatic... Read more
13/06/2012 | Events

First Meeting of the Interstate Council on Legal Protection and Defense of Intellectual Property

In the period of 5-7 June 2012 in the city Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan, was held the first meeting of the Interstate Council on Legal Protection and Defense of Intellectual Property, organized by the State Service for Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Republic of... Read more
12/06/2012 | Events

Sports Contest of the Public Service Employees from Chisinau, Ninth Edition

On 8-10 June this year, at the rest camp “Camping” from Vadul lui Voda took place the ninth edition of the Sports Contest of the Public Service Employees from Chisinau. The event was organized by the Territorial Trade Union Association of the Public Service Trade Union Federation (SINDASP). The... Read more
11/06/2012 | Events

Summer School on Intellectual Property

AGEPI informs interested persons that in the period fr om 9 to 20 July 2012 in the city St. Petersburg, Russia will take place the Summer School on Intellectual Property. The organizers are: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Federal Service for Intellectual... Read more
07/06/2012 | Events

AGEPI Started Preparing for the Implementation of the Quality Management System According to the International Standard ISO 9001:2008

On 29 May this year, the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) and the Association of Auditors and Management Consultants in the Republic of Moldova JSC “Ecofin-Consult” signed a Consultancy Contract on providing services for the documentation and implementation... Read more
05/06/2012 | Events

Intellectual Property Promotion Actions at Enterprises

During the months April-May-June 2012, AGEPI organized a series of information seminars for economic agents on practical aspects of registration and protection of intellectual property, particularly product and service trademarks, industrial designs and inventions. Seminars were held at “Viorica-... Read more
25/05/2012 | Events

Conference “Trademarks Day” will debate the topic “Counterfeiting- Hazard to Trademarks and Consumers”

On 30 May this year, starting at 9:00 at the Convention Center of the Hotel “Leo Grand” in Chisinau will be held the 4th edition of the Business Conference “Trademarks Day” entitled “Counterfeiting - Hazard to Trademarks and Consumers”. The event is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry... Read more
23/05/2012 | Events

Winners of the National Contest “The Best Innovative Pupil” Were Designated

On May 19 this year, at the University of the Academy of Sciences took place the awarding of winners of the National Contest The Best Innovative Pupil”, fifth edition. Contest organizers were Academy of Sciences, Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Academy of Sciences University in... Read more
18/05/2012 | Events

European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation “EUROINVENT-2012”, Fourth Edition, Designated Its Winners

Romanian Inventors Forum in partnership with universities fr om Iasi and “EUROPE DIRECT Iasi” have organized from 10 to 12 May 2012 the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation “EUROINVENT-2012”, fourth edition, held in the Hall of Lost Steps, University “Al. I. Cuza” of Iasi. The event... Read more
11/05/2012 | Events

AGEPI Activities on the Occasion of Celebration of Europe Day-2012 in the Republic of Moldova

On the occasion of Europe Day-2012, State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), along with other ministries and agencies in the country, organizes a series of events designed to promote the idea of ​​European integration, the need for adoption of values ​​and awareness... Read more
08/05/2012 | Events

European Patent Office and World Intellectual Property Organization signed an agreement to enhance co-operation

With the aim of further developing the international patent system to better support innovation in economies around the globe, the European Patent Office (EPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have agreed on a comprehensive three-year technical co-operation scheme. Thus, EPO... Read more
04/05/2012 | Events

New Winners of WIPO Gold Medal For Creativ

On April 26, in the festive meeting dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day – 2012, the Director General of AGEPI Dr. Lilia BOLOCAN handed the WIPO Gold Medals for Creativity to the writer Spiridon VANGHELI and the theater and film actor Mihai VOLONTIR. The medal winners were honored by... Read more
02/05/2012 | Events

Public Consumer Awareness Campaign was launched with the title “STOP Piracy and Counterfeiting!”

Public Consumer Awareness Campaign entitled “STOP Piracy and Counterfeiting!” was launched on April 26, in Chisinau. The Campaign is organized by the State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and is part of the Twinning Project “Support to Implementation and Enforcement of Intellectual... Read more
27/04/2012 | Events

April 27 - National Flag Day in the Republic of Moldova

On April 23, 2010, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova voted for the proclamation of April 27 as the State Flag Day. The Tricolor was designated the official State Flag of the Republic of Moldova on 27 April 1990 by the first parliament deputies. The legal framework for public symbols is the... Read more
27/04/2012 | Events

40th Edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva

The most revolutionary inventions were presented in the period of April 18 to 22, 2012 during the famous International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Products in Geneva. At the 40th edition was exposed a record number of innovations designed to make our life easier and safer. 40th... Read more


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