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Winners of the National Contest “The Best Innovative Pupil” Were Designated


On May 19 this year, at the University of the Academy of Sciences took place the awarding of winners of the National Contest The Best Innovative Pupil”, fifth edition. Contest organizers were Academy of Sciences, Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Academy of Sciences University in partnership with the Ministry of Education and State Agency on Intellectual Property.

The ceremony for the designation of winners was attended by Mr. Mihai MOLDOVANU, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Acad. Gheorghe DUCA, President of ASM (President of the Jury), Acad. Teodor FURDUI, Prime Vice-President of ASM, m.c. Ion TIGHINEANU and Dr. Hab. Mariana SLAPAC, Vice-Presidents of ASM, Mr. Roman CHIRCA, Director General of AITT, Dr. Lilia BOLOCAN, Director General of AGEPI, m.c. Maria DUCA, Rector of SAUM, and representatives of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Environment, academic institutions, which have addressed congratulatory messages to young inventors.

In the current edition participated 70 competitors of 20 pre-university education institutions from the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau, Ungheni, Straseni Falesti, Stefan Voda), who presented 65 works. As a result of examination of the presented works, the Jury, which included three experts of AGEPI, has nominated the winners of the Republican Contest “The Best Innovative Pupil”:

- First Prize - cup, diploma and a prize worth of 3000 lei was given to pupil Cibotari Gheorghe, twelfth grade, Theoretical Lyceum “Universul” from Scoreni, for the cycle of works “Anti-accident device”, “Device for automated management, control and anti-electrocution protection of wind generators”, “Device for automatic control of water pumps”, “Automatic light intensity regulator” (for cars);

- Second Prize - cup, diploma and a prize worth of 2000 lei was given for two works - to pupil Cretu Veaceslav, twelfth grade, Theoretical Lyceum from Zimbreni, Ialoveni District, for his work “Thermodynamic engine” and Pauliuc Gheorghe, twelfth grade, Theoretical Lyceum “Nistor Vornicescu” from Lozova, Straseni District, for his work “Trike V4”;

- Third Prize - cup, diploma and a prize worth of 1000 lei was given for three works to the following pupils: Pereman Igor, second year, Group SE-102, College of Microelectronics and Computer Engineering, Chisinau, for his work “Method for power supply of administrative blocks”, Tentiuc Daniel, tenth grade, Laboratory “Electrophysics” from Chisinau, Professor Ursu Valeriu, for his works “Socket protection circuit” and “Pirate phone locking circuit”; Mazare Valeriu, Caliman Alexandru, twelfth grade, Theoretical Lyceum “Stefan Voda” from Stefan Voda, for his work “EcoAlert - electronic environmental status monitoring system”.

There were also awarded 22 special prizes and other awards from public authorities of the country, institutions and organizations in the sphere of science and innovation, scientific-technological parks.

AGEPI gave a Cup and two special Prizes worth of 500 lei each to Coman Cristian Student, eleventh grade, Laboratory “Electrophysics” from Chisinau, Prof. Ursu Valeriu, for his work “Automatic lighthouse control system” and to pupil Berzoi Dumitru, eleventh grade, ASM Lyceum from Chisinau, for his work “Original LED devices for study of autoinduction and alternative current charger”.

For details on the given prizes within the event go to:http://www.aitt.md/noutati

Contest “The Best Innovative Pupil” is organized the fifth year running with the purpose of supporting and stimulating creative and ingenious ideas of young inventors from the Republic of Moldova.

(Photo: Eugenia Tofan, ASM)