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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

30/07/2020 | Events

Brexit Agreement: Implications of the End of the Transition Period for Madrid System Users

The Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) provides for a transition period ending on December 31, 2020. The Government of the UK has indicated the steps that it will take to deliver continued protection in the UK to marks in international registrations... Read more
29/07/2020 | Events

26 Years since the Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Today, the Republic of Moldova marks the 26th anniversary of the Constitution. The supreme and main law of the Republic of Moldova was adopted by the Parliament on July 29, 1994 and entered into force on August 27, 1994. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state that defines the... Read more
21/07/2020 | Events

The National Commission on Intellectual Property Has a New Composition

The Government of the Republic of Moldova approved, on July 20 this year, amendments to Government Decision No. 489/2008 on the National Commission on Intellectual Property (NCIP), initiated in order to update the nominal composition of NCIP and adjust it to the normative acts approved in the... Read more
18/07/2020 | Events

Questionnaire on the Publication Period of an Application under the Hague System

The International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) invites non-governmental organizations (NGOs), representing users of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, to complete the questionnaire on the publication period of an application... Read more
17/07/2020 | Events

First Online Debate focused on Unfair Competition and Intellectual Property

The first online debate focused on unfair competition and intellectual property took place on July 16, organized by PRIAevents and the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and ACI Partners Law Firm. The debates were... Read more
13/07/2020 | Events

Online Event: The Role of Protection against Unfair Competition in Defending Intellectual Property Rights

PRIAevents and the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and the ACI Partners Law Firm, are organizing the first online debate on unfair competition and the role of protection against unfair competition in defending... Read more
10/07/2020 | Events

Participate in the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada: iCAN 2020

The 5th edition of the International Competition in Canada: iCAN 2020 will take place on August 29, 2020, organized by Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS). In the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, the event will take place online. However, the... Read more
09/07/2020 | Events

3D Printing and Its Impact on Intellectual Property

The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) are jointly organizing from 13 to 16 July an online conference on one of the most dynamic technologies of the Third Industrial Revolution: additive manufacturing (AM). Often referred to as 3D printing, this... Read more
08/07/2020 | Events

Public Revenues of Billions of Euros Lost Every Year in the EU Due to Counterfeiting

The economic and social damage caused by counterfeiting deprives governments of revenues and can support serious crimes, such as drug trafficking and money laundering, according to a new report published by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The report estimates that... Read more
03/07/2020 | Events

International Exhibitions of Inventiveness Are Relaunching Their Activity in the Virtual Environment

The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi and the Iasi National Institute of Inventions are organizing in the period July 29-31, 2020, the 24th edition of the International Invention Show INVENTICA 2020 . In the context of the existing epidemiological situation, the event will take place... Read more
01/07/2020 | Events

“Turning Patent Data into a Business Intelligence”, Topic of a Seminar organized by AGEPI

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) organized on June 30 an online seminar entitled “Turning Patent Data into Business Intelligence”. The event took place within the project Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management (KnowING IPR), a... Read more
29/06/2020 | Events

Protection of Intellectual Property Objects, Discussed during a Meeting AGEPI - JSC “Bucuria”

A working meeting was held on June 29, at the State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI), attended by representatives of AGEPI and the company “Bucuria” JSC. Certain topics related to the competence of AGEPI were discussed during the meeting, in particular regarding the protection, use and... Read more
29/06/2020 | Events

New Zealand has joined the DesignView Search Tool

As of 29 June 2020, the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) has joined the DesignView search tool, made available by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The integration of the New Zealand Intellectual Property Office (IPONZ) is a concrete result of the... Read more
27/06/2020 | Events

Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day

Dear inventors and rationalizers, Celebrating Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day is a good opportunity to promote innovation, which is the key driver of growth and well-being, and can provide a qualitative leap forward in society’s development. Innovation and creativity are those inexhaustible... Read more
26/06/2020 | Events

WIPO Webinar for Judges: Laying the Boundaries of Patentability in Computer-Implemented Inventions

Since the conceptualization of the first programmable computer in the early 19th century and the technological developments that followed, computer technology has permeated nearly all areas of modern life, finding application not only in the telecommunications sector, but also in myriad other... Read more


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