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“Turning Patent Data into a Business Intelligence”, Topic of a Seminar organized by AGEPI


The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) organized on June 30 an online seminar entitled “Turning Patent Data into Business Intelligence”. The event took place within the project Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management (KnowING IPR), a project in which AGEPI is a partner.

The aim of the seminar was to inform and promote intellectual property, in particular regarding the usefulness of patent information and, respectively, the Knowing IPR Hub platform, developed within the project for academic circles, the R&D sector and the business environment.

The agenda of the event covered a series of presentations focused on its theme, including a KnowING IPR Hub platform practical testing session.

AGEPI representatives informed the participants about the latest developments of the intellectual property (IP) system in the Republic of Moldova, especially in the field of patents. The moderator of the event, Liliana Vieru wanted to mention that increasing the role of IP and innovation in the country’s development is one of the main objectives of the institution, AGEPI being fully involved in promoting patent information and developing tools for accessing and using them. Subsequently, the Head of the AGEPI Patent Department Natalia Caisim presented to the audience the AGEPI databases, including the Patent Landscape, a unique application that offers a broader vision of the innovation/patent system in the Republic of Moldova, providing useful information about inventors, patent owners and application fields.

The event was attended by representatives of the countries participating in the project and not only, such as Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway and of course the Republic of Moldova.

The KnowING IPR project aims to facilitate innovation in the Danube region by developing a transnational open access platform – KnowING Hub – which will provide the tools for analyzing and determining the state of the art in a particular field, tracking the progress of emerging technologies, identifying solutions to various problems, providing free access to millions of patent documents around the world and also to an impressive number of publications in various technical fields.

Additionally, the platform will include information and guidance services for the effective management of intellectual property rights (IPR) and for support to commercialization of research results and technology transfer.

In addition to the platform, the project will yield a series of public Policy Recommendations for a better exploitation of IPR in the Danube region.

More details on the objectives of the project, as well as the activities implemented within it are available on the official website of the project: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/knowing-ipr and on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/knowingipr/.