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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

16/11/2009 | Events

The XXII session of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization

On 10-12 November 2009 in Moscow, Russian Federation, has held the XXII session of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization (AC OEAB). At the opening of the current session, President of the Administrative Council of Eurasian Patent Organization Mr. D. Chirosca (Director... Read more
16/11/2009 | Events

Press conference dedicated to the International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT-2009”

On the current November 19, at 11.00, inside the Press Agency “Infotag” will be held press conference dedicated to the International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT-2009”, that will be attended by Mr Dorian Chirosca, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic... Read more
10/11/2009 | Events

Attention all interested parties, applicants and holders of trademarks!

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) informs about the publication on the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO) list (№ 101) unprotected international names proposed for pharmaceutical products in order receipt oppositions from interested persons: http://www.who.int/... Read more
10/11/2009 | Events

Competition Trademark of the Year-2009”

It started VII edition of the Republican Competition “Trademark of the Year”.In the competition may participate enterprises and organizations with diverse forms of ownership, legal person registered in Moldova producing material goods and / or rendering services within the country. Participants... Read more
29/10/2009 | Events

AGEPI Competition “Trophy for innovation and creativity”

In the International Specialized Exhibition” INFOINVENT”, which will take place at the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo”, between November 24-27, 2009, there will be announced results of the V-th competition “Trophy for innovation and creativity” . The competition “Trophy for innovation... Read more
15/10/2009 | Events

Competition “Top Innovations-2009 “

It is announcing the deployment of the II-d edition of the competition “Top Innovations-2009“. The Copetition organizers are Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT), the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI). The objective of competition is... Read more
09/10/2009 | Events

Attention media representatives

AGEPI Communiqué! Today, October 9, 2009, at 14.00 in the frame of the quarterly meeting with the power attorneys in industrial property, in AGEPY there will take place the ceremony of granting prizes for the short-term patents for inventions and awards obtained by the inventors of the Republic of... Read more
30/09/2009 | Events

Advertisement to Patent Attorneys

In connection with the organization of a quarterly meeting with the patent attorneys in industrial property, for the purpose of giving careful consideration to certain occurred problems and of informing on the new provisions of the legislation, AGEPI invites you to participate in the meeting which... Read more
29/09/2009 | Events

International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and New Technologies „INVENTIKA-2009”

National authority on the scientific research (ANCS) of Rumania through the Technologic Transfer and Infrastructure Direction organizes in Bucharest, in the period of October 28-31, 2009, in cooperation with S.C. ROMEXPO S.A., the XIII International Exhibition of Inventions Scientific Research and... Read more
22/09/2009 | Events

A delegation of the Danish on Patent and Trademark Office come with a visit to AGEPI

In September 21-22 a delegation of Danish Patent and Trademark Office consisting of Nymann Keld Jensen, Deputy Director General of the Office, Kenny Wright and Lone Pie Kelstrup, Senior Consultant, are visiting Moldova, including AGEPI, in order to become familiar with intellectual property (IP) in... Read more
22/09/2009 | Events

General Assembly of WIPO Member States

During September 22 to October 1, 2009 in Geneva unfolds the forty-seventh series of meetings of WIPO Member States. Delegations of member countries will meet in ordinary or extraordinary sessions, the agenda topics being such as: Activity Report for 2008, Strategic Plan of WIPO for 2010-2015,... Read more
10/09/2009 | Events

AGEPI delegation to the CIS Interstate Council works to problems of industrial property protection

On 9-10 September 2009, in Astana. Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, CIS Executive Committee held a joint session of the Interstate Council on matters of industrial property protection (hereinafter - Interstate Council) and the Joint Committee of Member States working in the collaboration to combat... Read more
08/09/2009 | Events

17 anniversary of AGEPI creation

Today, 8 September 2009, we celebrate 17 years since the creation of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI). On the basis of its establishment was drafted the Presidential Decree of May 25, 1992 on the establishment of State Agency on Industrial Property... Read more
28/08/2009 | Events

WIPO facilitates on-line access to scientific journals

WIPO has launched a new partnership between public and private sectors in order to ensure free on-line access to a range of scientific and technical journals for the industrial property offices, universities and scientific and research institutions in underdeveloped countries, and for industrial... Read more
07/08/2009 | Events

The International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies and the Competition of the young people innovational elaborations „Novoe Vremea”

Between 24-26 September 2009 in Astana. Sevastopol, Ukraine will take place the International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies “Novoe Vremea”. The Salon is a competition of inventors, and is at the same time, a market for sale the inventions, products and new technologies. In the frame... Read more


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