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International Specialized Exhibition “Infoinvent – 2007”. Totals of the competition


People is rich not only with his material patrimony, but first of all, with the intellectual potential that is inexhaustible with a view of difference of the natural resources, and increases from one generation to an other. The intellectual property, including the industrial one, is placed in the service of the development and progress of the society, such requirements are realized by the ISE “INFOINVENT”, being a true innovational marathon providing promotion of the best and most valuable inventions, new technologies, equipment, materials and products, ensuring the rights on the industrial property, attraction of the national and foreign investors.

In the period of June 27-30, 2007 in the ISE “Moldexpo” will take place the X-th International Specialized Exhibition «INFOINVENT- 2007» a real forum for the national intelligent people and an expo-market of the inventions, equipment, technologies and new materials.

On the surface of 500 m2 about 70 academic and high education institutions, including 14 inventors physical persons400 inventions represented new plant varieties; industrial designs, craftsmanship objects of the authors (and coauthors, inventors) from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia.

The participants represented to the general public, managers of the companies producing and commercializing the innovational products and services, creations in the 8 fields: environment protection, security, salving; transport means, roads, lifts, packaging, stocking; industrial materials and equipment; metallurgy, mechanics, engineering; chemistry, new materials and biotechnology; power, electricity, electronics, telecommunications, audio, video technologies; computers, programs, equipment, office accessories; clothing, textiles, housekeeping, craftsmanship; medicine, pharmacy, cosmetic accessories, paramedical; agriculture, new plant varieties, food, beverages; constructions, architecture, civil engineering, materials, furniture. Side by side with the posters and machetes some authors demonstrated inventions implemented in the production: surgical equipment, pharmaceuticals, wind- and sunpower installations etc.

Taking the floor at the official ceremony of opening the exhibition the Prime-vice minister Zinaida Greceanii mentioned that in the last years the interest to the intellectual activity considerably raised. This fact shall be explicated by the circumstances that in ten years of its existence “Infoinvent” became the largest market for the inventions of the Republic of Moldova, an ideal medium for the promotion of the autochthonous technical intelligence in the national and international competition, a most reliable place to find a business partner for the industrial application of the technical solutions of the inventors of our and other countries.

Gheorghe DUCA, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova visiting the event expresses his view that nowadays the innovative enterprises and entrepreneurs of the country profit from the utilization of the innovations. In the context Duca welcomed approving by the Parliament of the Law on the scientific-technologic parks in innovation incubators that soon will become a serious support for the promotion of the innovations.

Dorian CHIROSCA, director general of AGEPI, accentuated that the scope of the today exhibition consists in the promotion on the national and international level of the technical-scientific results in relation of initiation of some contracts on commercializing the rights on the industrial property objects and attraction of the investments, as well as making evident the most actual and perspective realizations for the national economy.

ISE „INFOINVENT-2007” the same way as the preceding editions awarded the most actual and perspective technical-scientific realizations and their authors with the different distinctions and prizes instituted by the organizers and co-organizers of the exhibition.

The International Jury (president – Mr. Ion Tighineanu, vice-president of ASM) and the Commission of experts of the ISE “INFOINVENT” (president- Mr. Boris Gaina, general scientific secretary of ASM) gave priority to the works having the most defined utility and stand better chances to be implemented in the national economy.

On the whole, the Jury granted this year 30 gold, 40 silver, 44 bronze medals and 44 diplomas of mention. There were also delivered diplomas and prizes of ASM, UIR, other institutions and organizations of the republic, of the Inventors Forum of Romania, National institute of Inventica Iasi, Society of the Inventors Roman – Transilvania, International Salon of the Inventions and New Technologies “Novoe Vremea” Sevastopol, Ukraine et all.

So, the laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Moldova “Best inventor of the year” in total of 5000 leis, was destined to Victor GHICAVAI, Dr. Habilitate, prof., head of cathedra Pharmacy and Pharmacology of USMF “N. Testemitianu”, for the exquisite successes in the inventive activity, and the laureate of the Grand Prix of AGEPI of 1500 leis became Constantin SPANU, Dr. hab., vice-director of the National Scientific-Practical Center of the Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, for the exquisite successes in the inventive activity. Maria GONCEARIUC (Institute of Genetics and Physiology of Plants of ASM) was recognized as “The best woman-inventor of the year” for the outstanding successes in obtaining the new varieties of medicine aromatic plants, and Miss Liliana ZOSIM from the USM was marked as “The youngest woman inventor of the year” for the cycle of inventions Nanotechnologies of the new Fe(III) coordinative compounds synthesis and original biotechnologies for obtaining the anti-anemic pharmaceuticals. “The youngest inventor of the year” was mentioned Ion COVALENCO, the particular inventor, for the Method and apparatus of vehicles audio channels control.

In the nomination of “The most representative participation in the exhibition” were mentioned two institutions: Institute of Genetics and Physiology of Plants of ASM and the National Institute of the Inventica, Iasi, Romania.

It became already a tradition to organize within the framework of the exhibition „INFOINVENT” a competition for awarding the Gold medal of WIPO “The outstanding inventor” and the WIPO Trophy “The Innovative Enterprise”. The Commission for granting those awards marked as the laureate of the Gold medal the acad. Ion TODERAS, coordinator of the Section Biologic, Chemical and Ecology Sciences of ASM. The Institute of Chemistry of ASM was awarded with the WIPO Trophy “The Innovative Enterprise” for the invention elaborated in the field of synthesis of the biologic active and other substances useful for the different fields of national economy.

Moreover within the framework of the exhibition there were announced the results of the IV-th Republican Competition “The trophy for the innovation and creativity” instituted by AGEPI. “N. Testemitianu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy became the laureate of this competition. This institution has the most imposing portfolio of industrial property objects patented/registered by AGEPI during the last 12 months.

Winners of the Journalistic Competition “Celebrate the country future with the intellectual property” were: Andrei CIBOTARU (News Agency BASA-PRES) – I st Prize – 1500 leis; Aurica PAHOMEA (State Informational Agency MOLDPRES) – II-nd Prize – 1000 leis; Nadejda ROMANCIUC (Company „Teleradio Moldova” Radio Moldova International) – III –rd Prize – 750 leis. Other 5 journalists were mentioned with the diploma and honourable prizes.

In order to develop the intellectual property, to promote the intellectual property rights and creation of the favourable conditions of cooperation the economic agents with the inventors and innovators, AGEPI organized within the framework of the exhibition „INFOINVENT–2007” two round tables: “The role of the trademarks and the industrial design in the promotion of the autochthonous products” and “Utilization of the inventions – the important factor in the economy development” in which took part specialists of the Agency, exhibitors, students, interested physical and legal persons, journalists.

Moreover in the framework of the exhibition there was launched “Dictionary of the Romanian Contemporaries”, v. I, published under the aegis of the Academy of the Technical Sciences of Romania, Office Cluj. The dictionary comprises about 700 pages, where there are mentioned nearly 800 inventors, authors of about of 2400 of inventions. The coordinator thereof, the journalist Emil Constantin Stanciu mentioned: “In this work I should like to make a simple evaluation of names and facts (inventions) and moreover, a selection dictated by the belonging to one or other associative forms of the inventors of the country. It is and remains open for all the Romanian inventors indifferently of the degree of the performance, field of activity, geographic origin zone or the country of location”.

It also was launched an edition in four volumes “Gogu Constsntinescu. Inventions Integral”, published in the Publishing house “Performantica” of the national Institute of Inventica, Iasi. The edition was looked after by Ioan Pop, president of the Societies of Inventors of Romania-Transilvania and comprises 317 patents for inventions of the Romanian great inventor Gogu Constsntinescu.

Considering that “INFOINVENT” is a preselection for the participation in the international exhibitions of Geneva, Brussels, Pittsburg, Casablanca, Bucharest, Iasi, Moscow, Kiev etc with the most valuable autochthonous elaborations, surely that the most part of the represented in the ISE “INFOINVENT-2007” will be also appreciated at the mentioned exhibitions.