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Intellectual Property in the EU and Moldova, Topic Discussed During an Online Conference


The representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated on August 20 in the Conference “The Development of Intellectual Property in the EU and Moldova: Challenges and Perspectives”.

The event originally planned for March 12, 2020, but postponed due to the COVID 19 pandemic, was organized by the Henri Capitant Moldova Legal Culture Association, within the Jean Monnet Chair project “European Union for Intellectual Property Rights” (EUPROIN), in partnership with AGEPI.

The Conference was attended by representatives of public authorities, higher education institutions, research and development organizations and the business environment.

The purpose of the event was to strengthen the understanding and awareness of Moldovan researchers on the development of intellectual property (IP) in the EU and Moldova, to inform and raise awareness of NGO representatives and civil servants in our country on the importance of IP development for the integration and economic growth of Moldova, to analyze the achievements and problems of IP development in the EU and Moldova, to increase the visibility of Moldova’s research on issues related to IP protection, etc.

In the opening of the online event, Viorel Iustin, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property, mentioned that: “Relations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union have registered an accelerated pace of development in recent years. The entry into force of the Association Agreement ensures the Republic of Moldova’s proximity to European standards and values.

Today, we can certainly say that the national IP legislation has been adjusted to the acquis communautaire, providing the users of the IP system in the Republic of Moldova the same rights and obligations as in the EU.

However, given that the national IP system is a young one, its use by Moldovan economic agents is relatively low compared to the situation in European countries with a tradition of over 100 years of experience.

It is for this reason that AGEPI makes considerable efforts to promote intellectual property knowledge, and today’s Conference is an excellent platform for knowledge transfer and good practice, for debating and identifying the best solutions to increase competitiveness by capitalizing on IP objects.”

Discussions at the conference were structured on the following panels:

  • Intellectual property and competition: interference and challenges,
  • Intellectual property and creative industries,
  • European integration and protection of intellectual property.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to connect to an interactive environment and to ask questions to the speakers, including specialists from AGEPI with great experience in the fields addressed: Natalia Mogol, key expert in the Jean Monnet EUPROIN project, Deputy Director General of AGEPI, Andrei Moisei, Senior Consultant at AGEPI and Eugeniu Rusu, Senior Consultant, AGEPI Copyright Department. The people present at this online conference obtained complex information on the development of intellectual property in the EU and the Republic of Moldova.

If you failed to participate online, you can watch the event on the Jean Monnet Project Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7KoTnysFhfuTSXG_i4cqMA