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The Delegation of the Republic of Moldova Participating in the World Expo-2010


The 2010 edition of the World Exhibition (World Expo) was opened on May 1, 2010, in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, which is one of the major worldwide events. The slogan of the World Exhibition-2010 – “Better City - Better Life” - focuses on urbanization issues in the twenty-first century, known as “The Century of New Technologies”. The participants in the World Exhibition-2010 will prove optimal and feasible solutions on the improvement of the urban infrastructure, in order to improve the quality of life in cities.

The most interesting and original ideas of the future cities have found their reflection in the exhibition centers, modern business and housing complexes, built on an area of 5.28 km2, in the center of Shanghai city, on both sides of the Huangpu River between Nanpu and Lupu bridges. In these areas, two years ago, there were residential and industrial districts, which were demolished for the purpose of building the exhibition territory. Now the national pavilions built by the participating countries in a style specific to each of them attract visitors from around the world. By the occupied spaces, number of participants and expected visitors, the 2010 edition of the Shanghai World Exhibition represents an absolute record. Official figures estimate 243 participants, of which 192 countries, 51 cities and corporations, and about 80 million of expected visitors for the entire duration of the exhibition (until October 31, 2010).

Opening of the largest World Exhibition was preceded, on the evening of April 30, by a grand opening celebration with spectacular performance, creativity and degree of organization. Among the many delegations present at the ceremony was also that of the Republic of Moldova led by Valeriu Lazar, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, and Commissioner General of the Section of the Republic of Moldova.

Moldova's National Stand, with the theme "My city - your city”, was inaugurated on May 1, day of commencement of exhibition works. The ceremony was attended by members of the Moldovan delegation, including Veaceslav Ionita, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Economics, Budget and Finance, Igor Corman, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and European Integration, Victor Bodiu, State Minister, Anatol Urechean, chargé d’affaires of RM in the People’s Republic of China, Gheorghe Cucu, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Natalia Ciocan, Director General of IEC “Moldexpo”, operator designated by the Government for representation of the country to the high world exhibition forum.

In his address to the audience, the Deputy Prime Minister Valeriu Lazar stressed that for Moldova is a great honor to participate in this world exhibition, called Economic Olympics. The exchanges of ideas and experiences will contribute to the prosperity of cities, new cooperation between countries. Expressing its hope that the Section of the Republic of Moldova will operate successfully, the Commissioner estimated that the slogan “My City - Your City” reflects both the hospitality and kindness of our people, and openness to cooperation on all levels - cultural, scientific, economical. Although Moldova is a small country, said Deputy Prime Minister, it deserves to be seen and appreciated worldwide and the participants in the exhibition be convinced of the possibilities and advantages of a business in our country, of the favorable investment environment, the prospect of joint projects. The activity of the Moldovan delegation puts another stone in the foundation of good cooperation relations with China, the country-host of the World Expo-2010, and traditional partner countries.

After the close of the exhibition, local authorities will turn an area of the World Expo-2010 in an international center of economic and cultural exchanges.

* The world exhibitions, held under the auspices of the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE), represent an important vector in the global promotion of national values and a perfect opportunity for cultural, economic, scientific and technical exchanges between countries in the world. The world exhibitions take place every five years and usually last six months. Their history began in 1851, when in London (United Kingdom) was organized the ”Great Industrial Exhibition of All Nations”. The world exhibitions do not offer spaces only to show economic and scientific achievements, but also for the development of certain International Cultural Forums, which are an opportunity for all nations to present their culture and traditions within certain large scale events.

Details: http://ro.moldexpo.md/worldexpo; http://en.expo2010.cn/