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Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin protected in the Republic of Moldova

The bilateral agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is party represents another means of international protection of appellations of origin (AO) and geographical indications (GIs). In this respect, it could be mentioned the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (signature date 26/06/2012, date of entry into force 01/04/2013).

In order to enjoy protection under the above mentioned agreement, an  appellation of origin / geographical indication should be registered nationally under Law no. 66-XVI / 2008 on the protection of geographical indications, appellations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed and  submitted  subsequentlyfor protection on the territory of EU (important fact- without paying any fees).

Currently, under the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, 3494 appellations of origin ( AO) and geographical indications (GIs) originating in the European Union ( are protected in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and 2appellations of origin (Ciumai and Romănești) and 4 geographical indications (CODRU, ŞTEFAN VODĂ, VALUL LUI TRAIAN, DIVIN)  originating in Moldova were submitted for protection in the territory of the European Union (