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Conference “Trademarks Day” will debate the topic “Counterfeiting- Hazard to Trademarks and Consumers”


On 30 May this year, starting at 9:00 at the Convention Center of the Hotel “Leo Grand” in Chisinau will be held the 4th edition of the Business Conference “Trademarks Day” entitled “Counterfeiting - Hazard to Trademarks and Consumers”.

The event is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Moldova - Club France (CCIFM), with the support of the French Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, French Customs Service, French Alliance in Moldova and the companies “GPG Consulting”, “KPMG”, “Lafarge Moldova”, “Le Bridge”, “Mobiasbanca-Goupe Societe Generale” and “Orange Moldova”.

French companies operating on the Moldovan market will share their experiences in preventing and combating counterfeiting phenomenon, explaining the risks caused by this scourge.

The event will be attended by Valeriu LAZAR, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Emmanuel SKOULIOS, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Moldova, Pierre LEGUETEL, First Counselor, Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action Issues, French Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, Michel HORN, Roissy Customs Department, Pierre SALDUCCI, Attache of Regional Customs Directorate Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Republic of Moldova, French Embassy in Bulgaria, Wolfgang BEHRENDT, Head of Political and Economic Division, European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, Lilia BOLOCAN, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), Viorica CARARE, Director General, National Agency for Competition Protection, and representatives of central public authorities, multinational companies of Moldova, local and foreign SMEs, educational institutions, international and local organizations.

At the end of the Conference, Lilia BOLOCAN, Director General of AGEPI will present a Communication entitled “Fight against Counterfeiting in the Republic of Moldova: Consumer Awareness” in the context of conduct of the Public Consumer Awareness Campaign entitled “STOP Piracy and Counterfeiting!” (www.stoppirateria .md). We should mention that the Campaign at issue was launched in April this year, organizers being AGEPI in cooperation with the Twinning Project “Support to Implementation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Moldova” and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Actions conducted by the organizers of the campaign pursue the aim to massively inform consumers, to disseminate relevant information, to explain the risks caused by the phenomena in question, to support right-holders and representatives of business/entrepreneurship.

In the conference works will also take part a group of specialists of the Trademarks, Industrial Designs Department, Legal Department and Promotion Department of AGEPI.

For more details on conduct of the Business Conference “Trademarks Day” visit: http://ccifm.md/web/index.php/jourDeMarques/detail/jourDeMarques/4