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International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas “Invest-Invent RIS 21”


Romanian Inventors Society (RIS) and the Maramures Branch of the Romanian Inventors Sociaty, in partnership with the North University of Baia Mare, Maramures Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Municipality of Baia Mare, Maramures County Council and CS “Ramirez” JSC from Baia Mare, invite to the International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas “Invest-Invent RIS 21”, which will take place at the Centre for Training and Marketing of the CCI Maramures from Baia Mare, in the period of 25-28 May 2011.

The basic concept of the Fair is expressed in the slogan “The investments are attracted by inventions”. Technology transfer is one of the main objectives of the event, being promoted to stimulate innovation in industry sector and in society. It will also be provided the promotional support to inventors and consulting on the applicability of innovations and legal protection of creative work results (intellectual property objects).

It is an international event, bringing together experienced inventors and young people with practical ideas, the stated purpose of the event is to include in the production process as many inventions and patentable ideas. In the fair will be presented 150 ideas and inventions of the participants from Euro-Carpathian region, and registered patent applications, prototypes, functional models or their multimedia exposure and will be marketed products developed on the basis of patents. For outstanding achievements, an international jury will invest with various awards. In the first edition of the last year’s fair the grand prix was won by the company “Ramira”, which proposed modular dykes produced by more inventors from Maramures.

The current edition of the Fair aims to various areas, including:

  • Environment - ecology, environmental management, protection and monitoring technology
  • Equipment and industrial machinery
  • Chemistry and chemical industry
  • Mechanical engineering and machine-building industry
  • Energy and nonconventional energy sources
  • Telecommunications
  • Medicine - pharmacy – cosmetics
  • Biology - agronomy - horticulture - animal husbandry
  • Foodstuffs and food technologies and food biosecurity, etc.

Also, in the Fair will be held the following activities:

  • commercialization of products based on inventions at promotional prices;
  • technology transfer of an idea to beneficiaries with potential for production and marketing;
  • distribution of products manufactured in series;
  • negotiations with potential investors for the surrender of patents or patent applications;
  • counseling by specialists of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.
Interested persons should confirm their participation until 30 April 2011 by the phone: 0740/875892, 0741/914342, 0745/492375, 0374/046702, 0724/490470 or by e-mail: inventica@tuiasi.ro or vasile.nasui@ubm.ro.