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AGEPI participated in the International Specialized Exhibitions “Food & Drinks”, “Food Technology” and “Packaging. Depot”


The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) participated on May 17, 2024, in the exhibitions “Food & Drinks”, “Food Technology” and “Packaging. Depot”, organized by IEC “Moldexpo” J.S.C during May 16-19.

These exhibitions were organized by the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo”, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, with subsidy support provided by P.I. Organization for Entrepreneurship Development, and represented an important opportunity for AGEPI to contribute to the promotion of knowledge and the dissemination of information in the field of intellectual property (IP).

AGEPI specialists provided free consultation to the participants on the national intellectual property protection system, with a special focus on the importance of protecting intellectual property in the food industry. They also distributed leaflets and brochures in the field of IP.

More than 150 manufacturers and distributors of food products, equipment and technologies for the food, processing, storage, packaging industry from the Republic of Moldova, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey were trained in a healthy competition to promote offers, valorizing tools such as technique demonstrations, spectacular promotional and charity actions, cooking masterclasses, product tastings, etc. According to the organizers, the exhibition “Food & Drinks” is not a classic exhibition, but a city with specific elements: streets, squares, gates, where each exhibitor represents a real tourist attraction, which motivates visitors to stop for a rest. “Tourists” can enjoy the dishes, admire the mastery of the hosts and the charm of the unusual city, walk along Costiței (Rib) boulevard, the streets of Cașcavalurilor (Cacciocavallo) and Brânzeturilor (Cheese), Vaniliei (Vanilla). Băturilor (Drink) street is not missing from the city either, with the most diverse liquors. The key events of the exhibitions “Food Technology” and “Packaging. Depot” are the unique test-drives of cutting-edge equipment for the food and processing, packaging and storage industry. Visitors can watch every day baking processes of bakery products such as bread, baguettes, burgers, which will be donated to orphanages, as well as offered for tasting.

The exhibitions took place in the central pavilion, pavilion No. 2, as well as in the adjacent spaces. This year’s event is a great success, to the delight of the organizers and participants who accepted the challenge to distinguish themselves with something special within the exhibitions.

The exhibition event was a platform for identifying a suitable space for the correlation of the most diverse fields of interest, but all being channeled towards one goal: the promotion of the food industry and technologies for the production, preservation and packaging of products.