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AGEPI hosted the 25th Edition of the Annual Scientific-Practical Symposium “AGEPI Readings”


The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) hosted on April 25, 2024, the 25th edition of the Annual Scientific-Practical Symposium “AGEPI Readings”, under the theme “Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity”. The event was organized in the context of the celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, which takes place every year on April 26. IP and the Sustainable Development Goals: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity is the theme of World Intellectual Property Day 2024.

This anniversary edition of the Symposium was attended by specialists active in the field of intellectual property (IP), as well as representatives of institutions and organizations in the sphere of science and innovation, of central public administration authorities with responsibilities in the field of enforcement of intellectual property rights, authorized attorneys and counselors in intellectual property, inventors, teachers, students, master students and other interested persons.

The purpose of this event was to promote new developments in the field of intellectual property, to facilitate the exchange of experience and information, as well as to identify new perspectives for the effective management of challenges in this field.

During the Symposium, 26 papers focused on intellectual property and related fields were presented. Topics relevant to the field of intellectual property were addressed, including the protection of IP rights and the procedures for granting them, enforcement of intellectual property rights, judicial practice in the resolution of conflicts in the field of IP, the economic aspects related to the evaluation and management of intellectual property objects, modern tools for valorization and promotion of intellectual property, etc.

Participants had the opportunity to explore the latest trends and innovations in the IP field, share experiences and identify solutions for current and future challenges. The close links between intellectual property and sustainable development goals were also highlighted, underscoring the importance of innovation and creativity in addressing global challenges.

The event was, thus, not only an opportunity for information, but also a forum for networking and collaboration between the relevant actors in the field of intellectual property and innovation.

We should mention that the first edition of the Symposium “AGEPI Readings” took place on October 24, 1997. Since 2001, this event has been included in the program of events dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day. A remarkable aspect is the attraction of an impressive number of participants during the 25 editions, over 1600 specialists from various countries and institutions, as well as representatives of relevant international organizations in the field of intellectual property. Within the framework of these events, approximately 400 papers focused on issues related to intellectual property and related fields were presented, thus reflecting the diversity and complexity of this field.