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AGEPI, at the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the European Patent Convention


The Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Eugeniu Rusu, had the honor of participating on October 5, this year, in the festivities organized on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention (EPC), which took place in the city of Munich, Germany.

The event was dedicated to the celebration of the historic signing of the European Patent Convention and aimed to reflect on the achievements of the European Patent Organization (EPO) in the field of patents and to strengthen the partnerships between the EPO and the other member states, for the benefit of the community of innovators.

The event was attended by representatives of EPO Member States, government leaders, intellectual property experts and prominent figures from academia and business.

Program highlights included sessions dedicated to inspirer (or: inspiring) inventors, expert roundtables on how inclusive innovation contributes to a more sustainable world, and an awards ceremony for the winners of the Kids’ Collaborative Art Competition.

Over the past fifty years, the European patent system has made significant progress in terms of its influence and geographical coverage. The European Patent Convention was originally signed by 16 countries at the Munich Diplomatic Conference in 1973 and has since expanded to now to include 39 member states.

With the aim of integrating the Republic of Moldova into the European patent space, our country made all the necessary efforts to become part of the European Patent Convention. Following these sustained efforts, on December 13, 2022, the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization officially invited the Republic of Moldova to become a full member of the EPO, thus strengthening the firm commitment of our country in promoting innovation and intellectual property at the level European.

During the same visit to Germany, on October 6, the Director General of AGEPI participated, as Obervator, in the 176th session of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization, where the delegations had the opportunity to discuss issues related to intellectual property and patents within the European community.

During the session of the Administrative Council of the EPO, the delegation of the Republic of Moldova had the opportunity to discuss topics relevant to the development and implementation of the European patent system. This marks a significant step in the accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the European Patent Organization and in strengthening its relations with the other member states. In the context of joining the EPO, the Republic of Moldova will benefit from access to a robust European framework for the protection and promotion of innovation, which will contribute to stimulating research and technological development in the country and increasing the attractiveness for investors and innovators.