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30 Years of the Foundation of the State Agency on Intellectual Property


On September 8 of this year, 30 years have passed since the creation of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI).

On this occasion, a festive ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of AGEPI took place, attended by members of Parliament, representatives of diplomatic missions and the business environment, as well as guests from central public authorities, institutions in the sphere of science and innovation. Representatives of international intellectual property (IP) organizations, core offices from abroad, as well as AGEPI employees were also present at the event.

In the opening, the Director General of AGEPI, Eugeniu Rusu, stated that in the three decades AGEPI grew and evolved, implemented policies and best practices to become better and more reliable for citizens. This fact was due to the professionalism and dedication of the employees, the support of international IP organizations and the support of local partners.

Present at the event, Deputy Marcela Adam, congratulated the Agency on behalf of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, emphasizing the importance of the institution for the development of the country’s economy and culture.

Also, 7 employees of AGEPI were mentioned with Government Diplomas for prodigious, admirable and long activity within the authorities of the central public administration.

With a congratulatory message from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Habip Asan, Director of Division for Transition and Developed Countries, came, who highly appreciated the collaboration over the years between WIPO and AGEPI. In this context, it was mentioned that the Republic of Moldova is the only country that has implemented 25 international treaties out of the 26 administered by WIPO.

AGEPI also received congratulations from the Ambassador of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, Ambassador of the United States of America, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of Romania, the Director General of the Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA), Acting President of Sakpatenti of Georgia, Deputy Director General of the IP Office of Tajikistan, as well as from the national partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Technical University of the Republic of Moldova, National Agency for Research and Development.

During the celebration, the Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization for Creativity was awarded to master Constantin Moscovici, for outstanding successes and personal contribution to the promotion of true national values ​​in the country and abroad.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of AGEPI, the most active authorized attorneys for the categories of protected objects were also mentioned. At the same time, the Attestation Certificates of the authorized attorneys who recently obtained this status were presented.

Being in the anniversary year, AGEPI decided to distinguish with diplomas and trophies the rightholders in the following categories: the longest lasting trademark; the trademark with the most designations via the Madrid System; the owner with the largest portfolio of trademarks; the owner with the largest portfolio of trademarks protected abroad; the company with the largest portfolio of industrial designs; the longest lasting patent; the owner with the largest portfolio of patents.

For 30 years, the Agency has had the mission of promoting policies in the field of intellectual property and streamlining the system of protection of intellectual property objects, which would encourage technological progress, stimulate creativity and contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Moldova. The solemnity of September 8 was a tribute to the successes, achievements and partnerships linked over the years.