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Increasing Intellectual Property Knowledge among Teachers, To the Attention of AGEPI and the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA


A bilateral meeting was held on January 19, this year, at the management level of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and the Public Association - Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA (PRO DIDACTICA). The purpose of the meeting was the discussion of inter-institutional cooperation between AGEPI and PRO DIDACTICA and the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two institutions.

During the meeting, the Director General of AGEPI, Eugeniu Rusu, briefly presented the activity of AGEPI, including in the field of promoting knowledge in the field of intellectual property, focusing, in particular, on instructive-informative events intended for teachers in pre-university education. Training in the field of intellectual property is a priority for AGEPI and we already have some experience of cooperation with educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova with a view to training teachers both in university and pre-university education, and cooperation with PRODIDACTICA will contribute to expand the number of beneficiaries of the trainings organized by AGEPI, mentioned Mr. Rusu.

The president of PRO DIDACTICA, Rima Bezede, appreciated the openness of AGEPI for cooperation and informed about the interest the webinar “Intellectual Property and Plagiarism”, organized on December 16, 2021, with the support of AGEPI, enjoyed among teachers and showed her interest in strengthening this cooperation in the next period. The representatives of the Association mentioned that, in a world of digitalization of the educational process, the knowledge in the field of intellectual property becomes crucial and the realization of instructive-educational events for teachers from the Republic of Moldova to propagate the use and respect for copyright and related rights have become a necessity.

During the meeting, AGEPI reiterated its readiness to come with specialized courses in the field of intellectual property in the continuous training programs offered by PRO DIDACTICA and also invited the association to participate in events organized by AGEPI, including training courses, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc.

Finally, the two signed a cooperation agreement in the field of intellectual property between the State Agency on Intellectual Property and the Public Association - Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA.

Following the signing of this Agreement, the institutions will strengthen their efforts in order to effectively use their intellectual and material potential in the process of promoting the national intellectual property system, to facilitate access to information of mutual interest and to organize joint actions on topics of mutual interest.

The parties agreed that the two organizations will work together to identify the best teacher training solutions, including by jointly developing and implementing continuous training programs in the field of intellectual property for pre-university teachers.