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AGEPI Launches a New Edition of the Contest for Young People in the Field of Intellectual Property


The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM) and the Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA) announces the organization of the Contest for Young People in the Field of Intellectual Property, 4th edition.

The current edition of the Contest is organized with the main title Innovate for a Green Future – the motto of the World Intellectual Property Day 2020.

In the contest will participate 9th-12th grade young people from the Republic of Moldova and Romania who study in general education, secondary and post-secondary vocational institutions.

The aim of the Contest is to promote the intellectual property system, raise awareness among young people of counterfeiting and piracy, develop skills and competitive spirit, form a communication environment between young people passionate about intellectual property and foster the exchange of opinions and experience.

The Contest takes place in three stages, as follows:

  • a. stage I: April 26 – June 30, 2020;
  • b. stage II: July 1 – July 31, 2020;
  • c. stage III (final): August 1 – September 30, 2020.

In the first stage of the Contest, all participants will be admitted, who will register online at http://db.agepi.md/contest/Account/Register by filling in the Registration Form, until June 30. The link will be available starting with April 26.

In the second stage, the participants will answer a series of questions in the field of intellectual property, available at http://db.agepi.md/contest/, only for those who have been admitted to the 2nd stage of the Contest.

The participants who will pass in the final stage of the Contest will prepare a work in the field of intellectual property. Subsequently, the works will be uploaded to the address http://db.agepi.md/contest/, until the deadline provided by the Contest Regulations. The participants will elaborate the work in a more interactive and original way (examples: PowerPoint presentation, play, interview, video, study, drawing, etc.).

The works presented by the pupils will be evaluated by the members of the Organizing Committee. The evaluation of the works will be done based on the presentations made by the finalists during the totalization session (the presentation can be made in person or by videoconference: Skype, Zoom, etc.).

All participants of the 3rd stage of the Contest will receive participation diplomas and promotional materials from AGEPI and partners, and the first three ranked participants of the Contest will receive special prizes.

Prizes and diplomas will be presented by the Organizing Committee during the Contest totalization session.

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