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Femeile și proprietatea intelectuală: Accelerarea inovației și a creativității, genericul Zilei Mondiale a Proprietății Intelectuale 2023

Pe 26 aprilie, statele-membre ale Organizaţiei Mondiale a Proprietăţii Intelectuale (OMPI) sărbătoresc Ziua Mondială a Proprietăţii Intelectuale, pentru a omagia contribuţia pe care proprietatea intelectuală (PI) o aduce inovaţiei şi creativităţii.

Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity, World Intellectual Property Day Theme for 2023

On April 26, Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrate World Intellectual Property Day to honor the contribution that intellectual property (IP) makes to innovation and creativity.

Le placement en famille d’accueil – la voie douce vers l’adoption / Foster Care, the Smooth Road to Adoption 09.01.2023
Le placement en famille d’accueil – la voie douce vers l’adoption / Foster Care, the Smooth Road to Adoption 09.01.2023
Le placement en famille d’accueil – la voie douce vers l’adoption / Asistența maternală, drumul lin spre adopție 09.01.2023
Children – A Decisive Factor in Choosing the Form of Divorce: Judicial Versus Administrative 09.01.2023
Children – A Decisive Factor in Choosing the Form of Divorce: Judicial Versus Administrative 09.01.2023
Copiii, un factor decisiv în alegerea formei de divorț – judiciar versus administrativ 09.01.2023
Limitations of the Right to Respect Private Life in the Regulation of the Romanian Civil Code 09.01.2023
Limitations of the Right to Respect Private Life in the Regulation of the Romanian Civil Code 09.01.2023
Limitările dreptului la respectarea vieții private în reglementarea Codului civil al României 09.01.2023
Combating the Antisocial Scourge of Mercenary Activity – Case Study. Part I 09.01.2023
Combating the Antisocial Scourge of Mercenary Activity – Case Study. Part I 09.01.2023
Combaterea flagelului antisocial de activitate a mercenarilor – studiu de caz. Partea I 09.01.2023
Situation of Refugees from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova 09.01.2023
Situation of Refugees from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova 09.01.2023
Situația refugiaților din Ucraina în Republica Moldova 09.01.2023
Minimum Wage - Trends and Realities 09.01.2023
Minimum Wage - Trends and Realities 09.01.2023
Salariul minim – tendințe și realități 09.01.2023
Formation of Patriotic Consciousness of Students of the MIA Academy “Stefan cel Mare” Through the Prism of Military Traditions 09.01.2023
Formation of Patriotic Consciousness of Students of the MIA Academy “Stefan cel Mare” Through the Prism of Military Traditions 09.01.2023
Formarea conştiinţei patriotice a studenţilor Academiei „Ștefan cel Mare” a MAI prin prisma tradiţiilor militare 09.01.2023
Embedded Foucault’s Pendulum Amplitude Measurement and Control System 09.01.2023
Embedded Foucault’s Pendulum Amplitude Measurement and Control System 09.01.2023



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