Contest “Trademark of the Year – 2010” has identified the winners


On February 3, 2011, during a solemn ceremony was held the handing of distinctions of the contest “Trademark of the Year -2010”. The eighth edition of the contest was attended by 69 enterprises with 86 trademarks.

The contest was held for 7 nominations and 16 categories: “Debut of the Year” - for the most successful market launch of the trademark on the national market, “Export” - for the most efficient strategy that has brought great results to assimilate foreign markets, “Inter” - for the trademark that is developing intensively on the Moldovan market, “Profi” – for the most successful long-term strategy (over 5 years) on the Moldovan market, “Socially Responsible Trademark”, “Consumer Appreciation” and closed nomination “Reputation and Trust”, where no application are filed, and the winners are designated by the organizing committee. This year, appeared a new nomination – “Rebranding”.

The prize awarding ceremony was attended by the representatives of central public authorities, of the diplomatic corps accredited in Moldova, of organizations and projects to support business, economic agents.

Awards in the nomination “Reputation and Trust” were handed by the Ad-Interim President of the Republic of Moldova Marian Lupu. In his congratulatory message addressed to winners, the Ad-Interim President stressed that this is the country’s economy base, providing citizens with jobs. “I pay tribute to you for the activities carried out during 2010, for maintaining the quality of products and provided services, for representing the image of the Republic of Moldova abroad”.

Awards in the nomination “Profi” were handed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Vlad Filat, who stressed that this event is an opportunity for evaluation and assessment of economic agents that produce quality goods and services. “Everyone needs to be appreciated, to have his work results recognized. Congratulations on these achievements and I hope to be more at the future editions”, said the Prime Minister.

Handing prizes in the nomination “Consumer Appreciation”, the Vice-Prime Minister Valeriu Lazar, Minister of Economy, asserted that the most demanding jury is the consumer. “The fact that we have winners from different regions of the country, including the left bank of Dniester, shows that “Trademark of the Year” is a contest that presents the economy of the whole country”.

For the first time, within the framework of the event was organized the “Alley of Trademarks” which participated in the contest.

The Grand Prix “Golden Mercury” was won by 43 trademark owners, 18trademark owners have won gold medals, 8 - silver medals and seven trademarks were honored with the Gold Medal “Heritage of the Republic”.

Activities related to the development and evaluation of contest results were conducted by the Organizing Committee, which is formed of scientists, specialists in marketing, advertising, intellectual property, etc. To determine the winners of the nomination “Consumer Appreciation”, was conducted a marketing study among consumers from the northern, central and southern regions of the republic.

Among trademarks awarded in the eighth edition of the contest are: “Barza Alba”, “Confort”, “Domnita”, “Filleti”, “Ionel”, “Litera”, “Moldcell”, “Moldtelecom”, “Naturalis”, “Orange”, “Polimobil”, “Viorica Cosmetic”, “Zorile”, etc.

Contest “Trademark of the Year” was initiated in 2003 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the State Agency on Intellectual Property. Through the contest are revealed the most effective ways to promote trademarks, the originality of the creators of trademarks and the degree of awareness of the trademarks among consumers.

Organizers will edit the catalog “Successful Trademarks in the Republic of Moldova”, 2010 edition. This publication aims to promote trademarks protected in our country.

You can view the list of winners at: http://www.chamber.md/index.php?id=673