Balance-sheet of the Contest “Invention of the Year-2009”


The Contest “Invention of the Year-2009” is annually held to popularize and support the innovational activity in our country, to stimulate the holders of titles of protection for inventions and utility models with the view of applying these results of intellectual developments in production and involving the national investors in the recovery process of innovations in the scientific and technical sphere.

To the contest were allowed the inventions disclosed in patents issued by AGEPI or IP offices from abroad during the last 3 years and which have a positive impact on the development of national economy, solution of problems related to the current necessities of life, technology, transport, chemistry, food industry, textiles, mechanics, electricity, physics and other fields.

At the sixth edition of the Contest “Invention of the Year”, organized by AGEPI, at the three nominations were submitted in total 29 applications. Following the examination of records, the Organizing Committee agreed to contest and took into consideration: at the nomination “Invention of the Year-2009” - 17 applications; at the nomination “Invention of the Year-2009, created by a young inventor” - 6 applications; at the nomination “Utility Model of the Year-2009” - 2 applications.

Among the institutions that have submitted applications for the participation in the contest are: SUM, SUMP “N. Testemitanu”, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Institute of Zootechny, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Electronic Engineering and Industrial Technologies - all from the ASM, Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies, Institute of Agricultural Engineering “Mecagro”, Scientific Research Institute “ELIRI” J.S.C., Production and Trade Company “ODIUS”, and a series of individual inventors.

In accordance with the accumulated points, the Organizing Committee decided to appoint the following winners of the Contest:

  1. at the nomination “Invention of the Year-2009”:
    - Nicholae SAVGA, individual inventor - for the invention “Device for treatment of spinal scoliotic deformity in children”, Patent MD no. 77, issued on 2010.05.31;
  2. at the nomination “Invention of the Year-2009 created by a young inventor”:
    - Nadejda EFREMOVA (birth year 1982) from SUM - for the invention “Method for obtaining thermostable antioxidant preparation from Spirulina platensis cyanobacterium biomass”, Patent MD no. 3781, issued on 2009.08.31;
  3. at the nomination “Utility Model of the Year-2009”:
    - Ion HABASESCU, Victor SCHIBITCHI, Boris CHICU, Galina LUNGU from the Institute of Agricultural Engineering “Mecagro” J.S.C. - for the utility model “Ventilation Assembly of the Spraying Machine”, Certificate no.167, issued on 2008.02.29.

The official balance-sheet of the competition and awarding of winners will take place during the festive meeting dedicated to the Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day, organized on 25 June this year, starting at 13.00, inside the National Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova, 129, 31 August Street.