International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT-2009”


A people is not only rich by available natural resources and material assets, but primarily by its intellectual potential that, unlike the material one is inexhaustible and increases fr om generation to generation. In the context of today reality when the innovative factor became predominantly in economic recovery in developing countries, the organizers of the XI-st edition of the ISE “INFOINVENT” – the State Agency on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Technology Transfer Agency ASM and the International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO” S. A. – are aimed at spreading the industrial property objects, products and new technologies, exchange of scientific and technical and normative-legal information, stimulating innovative activity, initiation of projects on the implementation of industrial property objects in production, promotional promotion support to attract investments in projects innovation, creating the conditions for conclusion and performance of contracts for the transfer rights on industrial property objects, public familiarity with the benefits of legal protection of industrial property objects in the benefit of authors, rights holders and the country's economy in general.

ISE “INFOINVENT-2009” will be held on current November 24-27 in the central pavilion of IEC “MOLDEXPO”. The festive inauguration will take place on November 24, at 11.00-12.00. Participants will expose an area of about 350 sq.m. more than 400 inventions and utility models, products and new technologies, plant varieties, trademarks for products and services, industrial designs, patchwork and craft, developed over the past two years.

Besides exhibitors fr om Moldova, in the “INFOINVENT” will take part representatives of the European Patent Office (EPO), based in Munich, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) based in Geneva, the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania ( OSIM), Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA), Romanian Inventors Forum fr om Iasi, Suceava University, State University of Pharmaceutical in Ukraine, State Pedagogical University of Kharkov, Military-Sea Academy of Sevastopol and Moscow State University.

The participants - academic, research and development institutions, universities, associations and enterprises, individual inventors and selectors will present the general public, producing and marketing products and services managers of companies original creations in 8 areas: environmental, safety, rescue; transport means, roads, elevators, packaging, storage, industrial materials and equipment, metallurgy, mechanics, engineering; chemistry, new materials and biotechnology, energy, electricity, electronics, telecommunications, technologies, audio, video, computers, programs, equipment and office techniques; clothing, textiles, houshold, crafts, medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics, paramedical; agriculture, new plant varieties and animal breeds, food, beverages, construction, architecture, civil engineering, materials, furniture.

Beside the posters and billboards with models, some authors will also show products based on implemented inventions. The international jury (president - John Tighineanu, Vice President of ASM), which include academics I. BOSTAN, V. CANTER, V. Rudic, S. TOMA and I. TODERAS member-cor. A. GULEA, doctors habil. L. Culiuc, V. Dorogan, T. LUPASCU, V. Prisacari, C. SPINU and M. Machidon, presidents of the State Commission for Plant Variety Testing, will give priority to those works that possess the titles of protection or a decision to grant the title of protection, have a high technical level, resolve current problems and have an important socio - significant or technical economic, corresponding to the priority directions of development of science and economy, meet environmental and social demands of the country, are implemented in the national economy or have implementation contracts, have economic effects.

Also, in the jury will be part and representatives of international exhibitions of inventions, as well as of foreign institutions and organizations participants in ISE “Infoinvent”, nominated by the Organizing Committee. For purposes of the qualified support of ISE the International Jury "Infoinvent” the assessment of inventions and other industrial property objects, exhibited in the ISE ”Infoinvent”, the exhibition will enable the work of committee of experts (president – Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General of AGEPI ) where will take part representatives of AGEPI and of institutions in the field of science and innovation.

The international jury will nominate “The most gifted inventor of the year” with awarding the prize of the Government of the Republic of Moldova;”The most gifted young inventor”, “The endowed woman inventor”, “The most successfully implemented design”- with presentation with the cup and diploma AGEPI ; the author (co-author) of an invention or a cycle of inventions in a priority area of national economy, for submission to WIPO Medal “The remarkable inventor”; authors, collectives of authors, inventions or cycles of inventions for awarding the diplomas and gold, silver and bronze medals set by AGEPI; a research or higher education development institution and a producing enterprise - for presentation with the WIPO Trophy “Innovative Enterprise”; an invention to mention “The best invention of the year”, awarding with the Award by the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the ASM; an enterprise that will be mentioned with “For creation of an enabling environment for implementation of the invention”, the Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova; an enterprise to mention with “The most representative participation in the exhibition”.

Based on statistical data of patenting/registration activity of intellectual property objects during the period from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009, AGEPI will, also decorate with “Trophy for innovation and creativity” a research development or higher educational and a producer institution. In 2003, at the first contest, the trophy was won by “ Salcuja LLC” in entrepreneurship-production and rendering services field and SUM in the research-development and higher education field, laureates of the II edition of the contest have become ”United Wine Company” LLC and TUM, the III edition – THE ENTERPRISE EUROALCO LLC and SUM, and the edition IV - SUMPh “N. Testemitanu”.

In the frame of ISE “Infoinvent” will be granted awards of international exhibitions of inventions, new technologies and materials and of institutions and organizations in the country and abroad, participating in the exhibition.

Also in the frame of ISE “Infoinvent” will be awarded winners of the Competition of journalists, which reflect the issues of intellectual property protection, organized by AGEPI.

As in previous years, AGEPI drafts and edits the official catalog of ISE “INFOINVENT”, which will be made available for the Jury and the exhibitors. In collaboration with WIPO and EPO, on November 24-25 AGEPI will organize a national seminar at the exhibition with the theme “The Patent Information Day”. The Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the ASM will organize on the first day of the exhibition a presentation of „The exchange of inventions and technologies”. Also, will be organized press conferences, unpublished presentations and “Stands of the young student inventors”, roundtables, etc.. Friday, November 27, at 12.00-14. 00 o’clock, the award ceremony will take place for the ISE “Infoinvent-2009”.

At the end of the exhibition a Press-release with the results of innovation competition of the year will be presented in Republican media and WIPO, the most interesting opinions and suggestions of participants and visitors being reflected in various publications.

Given that AGEPI, traditionally promote the most valuable indigenous national elaborations – winners of the exhibition - at the international exhibitions of inventions in Geneva, Brussels, Pittsburgh, Moscow, Bucharest, Iasi, Sevastopol, etc., Certainly a large part of the inventions presented at the IS ”Infoinvent-2009” will come to be exhibited to the mentioned exhibitions, enjoying the same high appreciation.