The competition “The Trademark – 2008”


In the period of January 27-31, 2009 under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau , International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO”, will take place the VIII-th Universal National Exhibition “FABRICATED IN MOLDOVA”.

The aim of the exhibition consists in the contribution to the realization of the Program on Government of activity “Progress and Integration”, the National Strategy of the Development on 2008-2011, as well as to creation of the conditions favourable for support of the autochthonous producer, development of the competitiveness of the local producers and promotion of the image of the Republic of Moldova in the world.

The program of the exhibition provides for organization of conferences, seminars and round tables on different actual subjects (European integration, interaction between the public authorities and business communities), promotion of the Moldavian goods and services, representation of enterprises, competitions, degustation of the wine and food production, lotteries, concerts etc.

Traditionally in the frame of the exhibition there will take place the official ceremony of presentation with Sate Prize for the achievements in the field of the quality, as well as with the awards of the competition “The Trademark – 2008” the title “the best tax-payer”.

The competition “The trademark-2008” was initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and, in accordance with the Decision of the Executive Bureau No. 216 of 12.02.2003 is carried out annually. The co-organizers of this competition is the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI).

The competition has following objectives:

  • creation of a favourable image of the Republic of Moldova;
  • identification and promotion of the performing marketing strategy in the field of creation and promotion of trademarks on products;
  • demonstration of the greatest achievements in creation of trademarks on products and services and role thereof in the business;
  • organization of the rating of the successful trademarks on the Moldovan market.
  • Study of the dynamic of creation, utilization and protection of trademarks in the autochthonous market;
  • informational assistance to the business undertakings in the field of the efficient marketing technologies of publicities, legal protection of trademarks on products and services;
  • efficient integration of the Moldovan market in the world economical community.

In the competition will take part enterprises and organizations with different form of property, legal persons registered in the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, there are invited to take part the foreign owners of trademarks valid in our republic.

The participants will dispute the Grand Prix “Gold Mercury” and the title “Trademark of the year”. They could be used by the winners with the promotional scopes during the whole year. There will be also edited the Official Catalogue “The well-known trademarks on the territory of the Republic of Moldova”.

Details on the address: http://www.chamber.md/index.php?id=1088