The International Salon of Inventions “ECOINVENT-2005”


The slogan “Inventions for the pure planet” became the motto of the International Salon “ECOINVENT-2005” of Inventions in the field of preservation of the environment which was held on May from 26 to 29, 2005 in the Palace of Culture of Iassy ( Romania ).

Inventors from Romania , Ukraine , Republic Moldova, Hungary and other countries took part in that event. About 200 inventions have been presented on International Salon “ECOINVENT-2005” which were grouped in 13 sections: clearing and treatment of air, clearing and treatment of water, amelioration and recovery of soil, industrial, civil construction and hydroengineering, ecological reconstruction, natural reservation, nonconventional sources of energy (solar, wind, biogas, geothermal), protection of an ozone layer (technology and installation of protection from irradiation, ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic radiation); natural preparations and methods of treatment; technologies of asepsis, noise and vibration, waste disposal and theirs utilization, agriculture, protection of plants and agricultural products, other methods, technologies and installations for preservation of the environment.

The International Jury awards the following premiums:

  • Grand Prix instituted by the International Jury
  • The premium of the Society of Romanian inventors
  • The premium ОSCAR ECOINVENT
  • Mircea Dinescu premium
  • The premiums instituted by Cluj Branch of the Society of Romanian Inventors
  • The premium of Technical University " Gh. Asachi " ( Iassy , Romania )
  • The premium of the Ministry of Education and Researches
  • The premium of Prefecture of Iassy
  • The Premium of the Iassy City Administration
  • The premium of Iassy district Council
  • The Premium of Bucharest branch of the Society of Romanian Inventors
  • The mass-media premium
  • The Gold Medal with distinction instituted by Jury
  • The Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals.

The state Agency of the Intellectual Property (AGEPI) instituted 3 gold medals for outstanding inventors of Romania and Hungary .

The inventors of the Republic of Moldova presented 37 researches fulfilled in various research institutes and universities: at the State University, at Technical University, in the Institute of Plant Physiology and in the Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences, at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N. Testemiteanu”, in National Institute of Pharmacy as well as in the Scientific research institute “ELIRI” S.А.

4 inventions presented by inventors of the Republic of Moldova were awarded with the gold medals: V. GOROGAN, T. VIERU “Sensor of ultraviolet radiations”; D. UNGUREANU “Installation for sewage treatment “Compact-2””; I.BOSTAN, V. DULGHERU, V. BOSTAN, O. CIОBANU “Mini-hydroelectric power station for transformation of kinetic energy of river water without dam”" (Technical University of Moldova); T. LUPAŞCU, R. NASTAS, M. CIOBANU, V. RUSU, L. STARYŞ, L. POSTOLACHI, N. ŢIMBALIUC “Method of water treating from hydrogen sulphide and/or sulfur. Method of regeneration of the spent activated coal” ( Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova ).

10 inventions were awarded with the silver medals: “Device for quantum therapy”, “Installation for hot water supply and indirect heating system for living quarters and production buildings", a cycle of inventions “Method and installation for treatment of medical and aromatic plants. Method and installation for gathering, transportations and treatment of vegetable raw material. Container for windrowing, transportation and treatment of agricultural raw material”, presented by inventors of Technical University of Moldova; “Inhibitors of myeloid human leukaemia”, “Methods and installations for improvement of the hydrocarbons combustion processes”, a cycle of inventions “Method of neutralization of the waste products received as a result of demetallization of wines with ferricyanide (II) of potassium. Method of neutralization winemaking waste products containing Prussian blue” presented by the State University of Moldova; “Methods of surgical correction in pediatric orthopedy”, the cycle of inventions “New methods of treatment by domestic vegetable preparations. New methods of treatment by domestic synthetic preparations. Entomological anti-hepatite protector” presented by the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemiţanu”; the invention “the Method of potential dividers checking” presented by the Scientific Research Institute “ELIRI” SA; the invention “Method of acid activation of bentonites” presented by Institute of Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Five bronze medals won the inventors of the State University of Moldova for “Catalyst for complex purification of gassing”; the inventors of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N.Testemitsanu” for the inventions “Oriblete”, “Cimpelsept” and the methods of theirs preparation as well as “Antimycotic preparation”; the inventors of National Institute of Pharmacy of Moldova for the invention “Method of preparation of dry iodine-starch composition”; the inventors of Institute of Plant Physiology of Academy of Sciences of Moldova for the invention “Method of cultivation of a plant material of fruit crops”.

Mr. P. MOROZ won the premium of Romanian Inventor's Society for “Methods of surgical correction in pediatric surgery” , the inventor Ion PANAŞESCU was decorated with breastplate and the diploma “The Outstanding Inventor of IV class” for the significant contribution in the field of inventions.

The Premium of the Iassy City Administration won Technical University of Moldova for active participation in the Salon actions and assistance to inventors.

On behalf of the Forum of the Romanian inventors the Diploma of the Excellence and the Gold Cup was awarded to the inventors P. MOROZ, A. SANDROSIAN, Iu.SANDROSIAN, L.STRATI for the invention “Methods of surgical correction in pediatric orthopedy”; to R.IVANOVA, P.TATAROV, V.CHUMEIKA for the invention “Method of preparation of dry iodine- starch composition” as well as to inventors I.DANILJUC, Iu.KOLPAKOVICH for “Method of potential dividers checking”.

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) instituted three gold medals: to inventor Daniela RADU - the youngest 17 years participant of Salon for the invention “System of glycemia determination and indication of medical prescriptions” (the invention is referred to system of determination of glycemia level elaborated for the prevention or treatment of diabetes in domestic conditions with connectivity to computer and the Internet); to Konstantin ANTOНI for the invention “Module for air treatment in ventilation installation” (the module contains the generator of unionized radiation which oxidizes organic and inorganic substances of ventilated air, removing odor); to V. GZORGY from Hungary for the invention “Supply of cell-phone in secluded places” (the invention is referred to the electric power supplies of the cell-phones used in the secluded places and special situations).

The above-mentioned event was organized by the Society of Romanian inventors, Technical University “G.Asaki” (Iassy; Romania) (faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and faculty of Industrial Chemistry), National Institute of Inventive Activity (Iassy), the Center of Researches of Macromolecular materials and membranes, National Research Institute of Metals and Radioactive Resources (Bucharest), firm Midas Electronics SRL, on the Labour safety (Bucharest), the National Research Institute of the Protection of Labour and was held under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Researches and Youth (Management of Innovations, Transfers of Technology and the Infrastructure of Scientific Researches and Innovations), the Ministry of the Environment and the Water Storage, the State Office on Patents and Trademarks with assistance of District Council of Iassy, the Iassy City Administration, Prefecture of Iassy and the National Museum Complex “Moldova”.