General Assembly of WIPO Member States


During September 22 to October 1, 2009 in Geneva unfolds the forty-seventh series of meetings of WIPO Member States.

Delegations of member countries will meet in ordinary or extraordinary sessions, the agenda topics being such as: Activity Report for 2008, Strategic Plan of WIPO for 2010-2015, Committee Reports on Development and Intellectual Property, the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights on the protection of audiovisual performances, rights of broadcasting and cable organizations, as well as limitations and exceptions to copyright and related rights, the Standing Committee on Patent Law, the Standing Committee on the right marks, geographical indications, industrial designs on non-traditional marks representations: three-dimensional, color, holograms, animated signs, or media, gestural, sound, olfactory, smell, taste, etc. There will also be put under debate issues relating to the Intergovernmental Panel on intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore, the report of the Working Group Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) on proposed amendments to the PCT, the quality management system international bodies of PCT, proposals on filing applications in the in some additional languages within the Madrid System for International Registration of Marks, amendments to the instructions of some acts of the Hague System of International Deposit of Industrial Designs, modernization program of Information technologies in the Hague System, future activities of the Working Group on Development of Lisbon on the Protection of appellations of origin of products and international registration thereof, issues related to Internet domain names, cooperation in the diplomatic conference statements on the Patent Law Treaty, the inaugural session of the Assembly of the Singapore Treaty. Other points of the agenda will refer to component WIPO Steering Committee, election of members of the executive committee of the Paris and Berne Unions, the policy of establishing foreign offices of WIPO, the Cooperation Agreement between WIPO and WTO, etc.

Member States will display and will approve the final document on the sessions of the 20 meetings and other management bodies of the Member States of WIPO and the Unions administered by WIPO, which will meet in nominated period.

AGEPI delegation, led by Dorian Chirosca, Director General, will exhibit Moldova position items on the consolidated agenda WIPO Assemblies of Member States, will support the country's interests within these meetings, as well as in the regional group of countries of Central Europe and States Baltic, which is part the Republic of Moldova, the member of the 15 Assemblies and state management bodies of WIPO.