Meeting of the delegation of the Republic of Moldova with Director General WIPO


On December 12, 2008 the delegation of the Republic of Moldova, conducted by Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI, took part in the work of the 46-th round of the General Assembly of the member-states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), taking place in Geneva, Switzerland.

The representatives of the WIPO member-states meet on the extraordinary session of WIPO in order to adopt the priorities of the Organization development on 2008-2009, especially there were examined and adopted the Program and the revised budget of WIPO biennial 2008-2009.

The revised program foresees a set of institutional and strategic modifications directed to increase the activity efficiency of the WIPO structures, to provide an adequate policy in relation of the human resources, to concentrate the WIPO resources and to provide the transparency in the cooperation with the member-states, taking consideration of the interests and problems thereof.

In the frame of the visit Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI had a reception with Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General WIPO. In the reception there took part Tatiana Lapicus, Ambassador, the permanent representative of the Republic of Moldova under UNO Office in Geneva and Mr. Michaly Svantner, head of the WIPO Direction on cooperation with some countries of Europe and Asia.

Our delegation felicitated Mr. Francis Gurry in occasion of recent his designation to the post of Director General WIPO and confirmed the support of the WIPO priorities on cooperation with member-states by the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Program of activity of the Organization for the future years.

Besides, Mr Chirosca informed the WIPO governing body on the last achievements of the Republic of Moldova in the development of the national intellectual property system axing on the priority fields of the AGEPI activity, such as: adoption in 2007-2008 of the new legislation in IP field, completely harmonized with the communitary acquis in the given field and improvement of the system of realization of rights on the IPO with the aim to fight against the counterfeit and piracy; promotion of the IP system and the technologic transfer in the small and middle enterprises; promotion of the prediagnostic service of the IP objects portfolio in the enterprises of this sector of national economy; education and training the national staff in the field of IP, including in the university programs of the introductive course of intellectual property.

In the frame of the meeting there were discussed the results of AGEPI-WIPO cooperation during 2007-2008 and laid down the priority directions of cooperation in 2009. Mr. Chiroshca expressed thanks to the WIPO leaders for the support and assistance accorded to the Republic of Moldova in the development and modernization of the national IP system during the last years, including the training of the national staff (the specialists of AGEPI, judges, university professors, students) in the frame of the international trainings and seminars organized in cooperation with the WIPO World Academy, as well as in education of the potential users of the system of intellectual protection property protection in the frame of the national and regional seminars annually organized in Chisinau.

Mr. Gurry assured the delegation of the Republic of Moldova that WIPO will also accord in continuation all necessary support to the member-states in edification of the modern IP system, including to the elaborating and implementing the national strategies in the field of intellectual property.

Appreciating the preoccupation of the Republic of Moldova with the counteracting to the counterfeit and piracy in the IP field, as well as taking in consideration necessity of the development of the mechanism of implementation of the provisions of the national and international legislation in the field, the WIPO leaders maintained the initiative of AGEPI to organize in Chisinau in the spring of 2009 a regional seminar on the matters relating to realization of the intellectual property rights involving both institutions of public administration (custom, policy, justice), and representatives of rights owners from the Community of Independent States (CIS) members, Baltic States, as well as other states of the region.

Besides, the Republic of Moldova will beneficiate the WIPO and UPOV assistance in organization of a subregional seminar on protection sui generis of new plants according to the UPOV Convention, with participation of representatives of the CIS states (June 2009) and a national seminar on the matters of protection of trademarks on products and services, in the context of adoption in 2007 and enter in force in the near future of the Singapore Treaty on the Rights of Trademarks (autumn 2009).

The delegation of the Republic of Moldova recommenced discussions initiated in 2005 on signing a Program on cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and WIPO in the field of Intellectual Property that will facilitate realization of the directions of cooperationand will contribute to the consolidation of the relations of the Republic of Moldova with this organization. With this occasion, the Director General AGEPI transferred to the Director General WIPO the invitation to visit the country in autumn 2009 with the scope to sign the mentioned Program on cooperation.