Visit of the delegation of the European Commission Office on the "TWINNING" and "TAIEX" Programs Administration


January 23, 2007 AGEPI was visited by the leaders of the Department Extern Economical Cooperation of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. The participants of the delegation are Mr. Timus Andrei, vicedirector of Department Extern Economical Cooperation of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce; Mrs Oxana Budisi – counselor Director cooperation, attraction and co-ordination of the extern technical assistance, as well as Mr. Patric Mousnier-Lampre and Mrs Inesa Coman – expert of the Project "Support to Power" of the European Commission.

In the frame of discussions Mr. Stefan Novac, Director General, informed the guests on the realizations of the RM in the field of creation and development of the national intellectual property system, on the role and contribution of AGEPI in elaboration of the legislative and standard base in the field. A special attention was paid to the activities of AGEPI in the last 2 years. With a scope to harmonize the national legislation with the community acquits, providing for creation in the Republic of Moldova of intellectual property protection system similar to the European one. All these activities enter in the measures undertaken by AGEPI in order to realize the provisions of the EU-Moldova Action Plan in the chapter "The industrial and Intellectual Property Rights".

Mr. Patrick Mousnier-Lompre gave general information on performing the Programs of the European Commission on the territory of Moldova. So, the program “TAIEX” represents a relatively new instrument of the technical assistance and exchange of information of the European Commission, which is utilized from 2005 for granting assistance to the members states of the Program of Neighbourhood of EU. By means of "TAIEX" the European Commission offer following types of the assistance according to some short-term projects and of the micro financing, such as: organization of seminars and working groups in the field of EU policy, legislation and function thereof; working visits of the TAIEX experts into the countries interested in resolving problems, related to the legislative activity and application of the legislation, information visits referred to the experience of the EU states-members in the field of application of the legislation of the representatives of the state bodies.

The TWINNING program represents a mechanism of granting the assistance in the frame of the long-termed projects and presumes the obligatory presence of the permanent representative of the Program in the beneficiary country. It is mainly referred to the field, relating the development of the administrative structures, staff and effective management. At the final there were planed measures of cooperation between AGEPI and Moldavian Office the Program "TWINNING" administration on granting technical assistance with the scope to realize the priority actions.

The detailed information on the programs on the address:
http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/financial_assistance/institution_building/twinning_en.htm (TWINNING)
http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/glossary/terms/taiex_en.htm  (TAIEX)