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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

30/07/2009 | Events

International scientific-practical conference of the Yalta

Between current August 31 to September 4, in Yalta, Ukraine, will take place the international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of intellectual property” organized by the State Department Intellectual Property of Ukraine, supported by the World Intellectual Property Organization (... Read more
24/07/2009 | Events

Regional forum for the university coordinators in the field of intellectual property

The 14-16 July, 2009 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, was held the regional forum in the field of intellectual property for the university coordinators, organized by Kyrgyzpatent under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The forum was open by Sergey Zotine, Principal Legal... Read more
22/07/2009 | Events

Attention for the Database Trademarks on-line users!

The consecutive modernization of the IPO protection system, collecting and disseminating information related to IP protection, and improving its activities in order to increase the effectiveness of cooperation between the institution and the beneficiaries of this system are the basic objectives of... Read more
17/07/2009 | Events

WIPO Intergovernmental Committee Session on intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore

Session of July 3, 2009 the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore (IC) was focused on the renew of the IC mandate for the biennial 2010-2011. A group of the African countries proposed the future meetings of the IC to include... Read more
09/07/2009 | Events

AGEPI editions 2009

Intellectual property library We propose to the interested parties various publications, periodicals and serials, published by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), which offer the readers the most different information about the objects of intellectual property protection and... Read more
29/06/2009 | Events

Results of the competition “Invention - 2008”

Organizing committee of the competition “Invention – 2008” (president – Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director General AGEPI) examined the applications and designated the winners in nominations: “The invention -2008”; “The invention -2008, created by a young inventor”; “The Utility model -2008”. Evaluation... Read more
24/06/2009 | Events

The Day of Inventor and Rationalizer-2009

Already 14th year in a row, at the end of June is marking a beautiful and significant professional holiday - Day of the Inventor and Rationalizer established by Presidential Decree No.. 193 of 19. 06. 1995. Traditionally, this year the Festival will be held the current June 26 on 13.00 , in the... Read more
23/06/2009 | Events

Repeated attestation of the evaluators of objects of intellectual property

During currently July 1-3, under order of the Director General AGEPI No. 66 of June 19, 2009, will be repeated the attestation of the evaluators of intellectual property objects. The evaluators which have not practiced during the 5 years of the valuation activity will exam again. For admission to... Read more
22/06/2009 | Events

International Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions “National priorities of Russia development: education, science, innovations”

In the period of August 26-29, 2009 in Moscow Russia will take place The International Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions “National priorities of Russia development: education, science, innovations”. The organizers: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, The federal Agency... Read more
17/06/2009 | Events

The number of the registered international trademarks overlaps a million

Simultaneously with registration in the frame of the Madrid System of the trademark „Grüne Erde”, belonging to the Austrian company specializing in fabrication of textile products, cosmetics and ecological furniture, the number of registered international trademarks overlapped a figure of million... Read more
29/05/2009 | Events

From June 1, 2009 AGEPI is available to render service on the electronic filing of documents

Attention of the applicants and patent attorneys!!! Beginning from 01.05.2009 AGEPI is available to receive applications (documents) in the electronic form, using the digital signature. The main scope to implement in AGEPI the procedure of filing the documents in the electronic form using the... Read more
26/05/2009 | Events

Association “Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Moldova (AsDAC) - 10 years of activity

Association “Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Moldova (AsDAC) - organization of collective administration of rights of the author - was founded on May 31, 1999 and started work practice on 01. 07. 2000. AsDAC is permanent member of the International Confederation of Authors and... Read more
18/05/2009 | Events

Information related to the trademarks

In order to inform all the interested persons (owners, patent attorneys et all.) the web page AGEPI represents information related to the trademarks being in the period of expiration and those being in the grace period: Trademarks being in the period of expiration; Forfeited trademarks, being in... Read more
12/05/2009 | Events

Promotional activities of IP in the exhibition “Food & Drinks”, “Food Technology” and “Packaging. Depot”

In current period of May 13-17, International Exhibition Center „Moldexpo” in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, is organizing three international exhibitions “Food & Drinks”, “Food Technology” and “Packaging. Depot” specialized in food and raw materials for their... Read more
07/05/2009 | Events

Attention of the patent attorneys

In the frame of the cession with the patent attorneys taking place on 02.04.09 the patent attorneys made proposals referring the effective regulation of their activity and dissemination of information on activity thereof with the aim to implicate the public in the procedure of granting the IPO... Read more


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