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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

19/11/2020 | Events

WIPO Sequence - A New Tool launched by WIPO

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has launched a new tool. The matter is about “WIPO Sequence”, global common software that enables patent applicants and intellectual property (IP) offices to prepare amino acid and nucleotide sequence listings, compliant with WIPO Standard ST.26,... Read more
18/11/2020 | Events

Online Seminar on Intellectual Property, dedicated to the Business Environment in Soroca

An online seminar entitled “Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Increasing Competition Capacity” was held on 18 November this year at the Business Incubator in Soroca. The event was organized within a project implemented by ProEnTranse, funded by the European Union through the East Europe Foundation... Read more
18/11/2020 | Events

PRO INVENT - 2020 Exhibition Takes Place Online

The International Exhibition of Research, Innovations and Inventions PRO INVENT, 18th edition, takes place from 18 to 20 November 2020, in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, the event takes place online. The Director General of the State Agency on... Read more
18/11/2020 | Events

Moldova Business Week 2020: Inspirational Leaders, World-Class Experts and Visionary Entrepreneurs

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) informs that the seventh edition of the Moldova Business Week forum will be held on 19-20 November 2020. The event will be held in digital format and is organized by the Investments Agency of the Republic of Moldova. The MBW program will be focused... Read more
17/11/2020 | Events

A New Free Service provided by AGEPI

In order to provide advisory assistance to applicants wishing to submit applications for registration of industrial designs under the Hague Agreement (international application), the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) has implemented the pre-check procedure for the aforesaid application... Read more
16/11/2020 | Events

The Most Famous Trademarks of Moldova, awarded at the NOTORIUM Gala

The NOTORIUM Trademark Awards Gala, fifth edition, for the most recognized trademarks, organized by the Intellectual Property Company INTELSTART, in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), was held in Chisinau. Over 4500 trademarks present on the market of the Republic... Read more
11/11/2020 | Information

Notice of WHO about Proposed International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances

World Health Organization (WHO) informs on the official website about the publication of List № 124-COVID-19 (special edition) ( https://www.who.int/medicines/publications/druginformation/innlists/PL12... ) which refers to International Nonproprietary Names proposed for Pharmaceutical Substances (... Read more
10/11/2020 | Events

Science for and with Society - Celebrating Together the World Science Day for Peace and Development 2020

The scientific community of the Republic of Moldova annually celebrates Science Day on November 10. Established in the Republic of Moldova by Government Decision, this holiday is organized in the context of the World Science Day for Peace and Development, proclaimed by UNESCO on November 2, 2001... Read more
06/11/2020 | Events

The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing a Successful Business, Discussed During an Online Workshop

The Workshop “The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing a Successful Business” was held on 6 November this year, in online format. The event, organized by the Henri Capitant Moldova Legal Culture Association in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), ODIMM and the... Read more
30/10/2020 | Events

Workshop: The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing a Successful Business

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) invites all interested persons to participate in the Workshop “The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing a Successful Business”, which will take place on November 6, 2020, online. The event, organized by the Henri Capitant Moldova Legal... Read more
30/10/2020 | Events

Scientific Conference dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Alexandru Ciubotaru National Botanical Garden

The Scientific Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Alexandru Ciubotaru National Botanical Garden took place on October 30 this year. The event was organized in the precincts of the Botanical Garden in hybrid format, with in-person and online participation. The... Read more
27/10/2020 | Events

Global Innovation Forum 2020. Unlock your digital ecosystem’s potential

The Global Innovation Forum 2020, organized by the International Telecommunication Union, which is the United Nations (UN) specialized agency for information and communication technologies, takes place online from 26 to 30 October 2020. The motto of the current edition is: “Unlock your digital... Read more
27/10/2020 | Events

Advantages of the Provisions of the Geneva Act, discussed during a WIPO - AGEPI Meeting

Representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) met online, on 26 October this year, in a working meeting in which they addressed some practical issues regarding the implementation of the... Read more
22/10/2020 | Events

Online Dialogue on the Protection of Patented Inventions and Other Technological Solutions

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI of the Republic of Moldova), together with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), organized an open online meeting of Sectoral Entrepreneurship Committees under the CCI of the Republic of Moldova entitled “Encouraging... Read more
22/10/2020 | Events

IPR Protection Regime, discussed during the Meeting of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Association Committee reunited in Trade Configuration

7th Meeting of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Association Committee reunited in Trade Configuration (ACTC) took place during the period October 20-21. The event was held in videoconference regime, the delegation of our country being led by the State Secretary Iuliana Dragalin, and the... Read more


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