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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

04/07/2008 | Events

The Concourse of entrance at the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

The social-economic development of the country is in the direct ratio with the evolution of the human potential. Valuation of the human resources, raising the level of national staff skill and improvement of abilities are the key-factors of creation of the society based on the knowledge. In this... Read more
03/07/2008 | Events

The International Festival of the Inventions

The year 2008 is very important for all the inventors of the world, being a 40-th anniversary from the day of creation of the International Federation of the Inventors Associations (IFIA). That is why this year 2008 was declared as the year of General Assembly of IFIA, in the honor of which in... Read more
03/07/2008 | Events

The International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “Novoe Vremea”

In the period of September 25-27, 2008, in Sevastopol, Ukraine, will be open The International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “Novoe Vremea”, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the journal “Inventor and Rationalizer” (Kiev), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the... Read more
02/07/2008 | Events

Interregional Forum “Development and management of the Intellectual Property”

In the period of July 1-2 2008 the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) carries out in Geneva the Interregional Forum “Development and management of the Intellectual Property”. The reunion will be led by M. Narendra K. Sabharwal, vice-dire4ctor general WIPO. Among the subjects being... Read more
12/06/2008 | Events

Assistance rendered to the children-orphans remained without parents care

The State Agency on Intellectual Property organizes periodically actions of charity destined to the social vulnerable persons of the specialized institutions of the Republic of Moldova. While the year 2008 was declared by the state bodies as the Year of the Youth, the administration of AGEPI took a... Read more
12/06/2008 | Events

In honour of the 62-d Anniversary of foundation of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

On the current June 12 the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova celebrates the 62-d anniversary of foundation of the first academic institution. On this occasion, the collective of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) hearty congratulates all scientific people working in the... Read more
29/05/2008 | Events

The Moldo-Communitary consultations on the protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin

On May 27, 2008 in Chisinau took place a round of Moldo-Communitary consultations based on matters of protection of the geographical indications and designations of origin of products. The European delegation consisting of 5 experts was under the leadership of Nicolas VERLET, Head Unity of the... Read more
28/05/2008 | Events

The Control marks will provide acquiring of the licensed product

The illegal use of the works and phonograms protected by the Law No. 293-XIII of 23.11.1994“ “On copyright and related rights” jeopardizes the observance of the legal norms in the Republic of Moldova, causing damages both to the autochthonous and foreign owners of the author right and related... Read more
16/05/2008 | Events

It was nominated the new Director General WIPO

The Coordinator of Committee of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) nominated Mr. Francis Gurry , native of Australia, as General Director.The Nomination shall be approved by General Assembly WIPO on the next session that will take place on September 22-30, 2008. Francis Gurry will... Read more
08/05/2008 | Events

Awarding the laureates of the competitions of AGEPI

The full program of the manifestations of AGEPI dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day was finished by the grand meeting organized on April 24 in precincts of AGEPI, on which there were invited the representatives of the scientific institutions, high education institutes, representative... Read more
21/04/2008 | Events

Institution of the National Commission on the intellectual property

According to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 489 of 29.03.2008, published in the Official Monitor No. 72-73/476 of 08.04.2008, it was instituted the National Commission on the Intellectual property. According to the approved Regulations, the National Commission is a... Read more
21/04/2008 | Events

The International Forum of the Small and Middle Enterprises

In the period of April 23-26, 2008, in the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo” S.A. there will take place the VIII International Exhibition of the enterprises of small and middle business and rendering services, which will be carried out in the frame of the International Forum of the Small-... Read more
18/04/2008 | Events

World Intellectual Property Day

On April 26 the states-members of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day . From this event that started 8 years ago, more and more governments and organizations take part in the activity carried out by WIPO in honour of celebrating the Day... Read more
18/04/2008 | Events

The Simposium „Lecturi AGEPI” took place

In April 17, 2008 in AGEPI precincts took place the XI-th annual Simposium-practic „Lecturi AGEPI” starting under the title “Actual matters of the protection and realization of the intellectual property rights”. At the inauguration there took part numerous participants and guests from the different... Read more
15/04/2008 | Events

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (Geneva, Switzerland) was created in 1994 with the aim to contribute to resolve the IP disputes by the extrajudicial means. With this aim there were elaborated Regulations providing for the arbitration and mediation modalities. The Center is a unique... Read more


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