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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

11/10/2010 | Events

Competition for innovation and technology transfer projects for 2011

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer announces a competition for innovation and technology transfer projects for 2011 within the following strategic directions: Use of natural, information and human resources for a sustainable development... Read more
07/10/2010 | Events

It was promulgated the Law on Copyright and Related Rights

On 27 September 2010 was promulgated, by Decree No. 562-V of the Interim President of the Republic of Moldova, the Law No. 139 of July 2, 2010 on Copyright and Related Rights. Law No. 139/2010 governs the relations that arise as a result of the creation and use of literary, artistic and scientific... Read more
06/10/2010 | Events

At the State University of Moldova was Inaugurated the Office of Intellectual Property

Recently, at the State University of Moldova (USM) was inaugurated the Office of Intellectual Property, its opening being possible due to the MERCURY TEMPUS Project "Towards the research entrepreneurial university models in higher education in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova" launched in February 2009... Read more
27/09/2010 | Events

Days of the Right to Know - at the AGEPI

In the activities dedicated to promoting access to information and conduct the seventh edition of the Days of the right to know with the main title “An active person is a well-informed person”, organized by the Center for Promotion of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information “Access-info” in... Read more
23/09/2010 | Events

Ministers Share the National Experience in the Innovation, Growth and Development Field

About 70 ministers from around the world, who have participated on 20-21 September in the Meeting of High Level Segment of the General Assembly of the WIPO Member States (Geneva, Switzerland), shared their national experience with reference to the role of intellectual property in promoting... Read more
23/09/2010 | Events

Training seminar on "Ways of combating the counterfeiting phenomenon"

Counterfeiting of original products is known since ancient times, but in the past 50 years it has gained alarming proportions worldwide. According to a current study, published in "Financial Week" (www.sfin.ro), the most substantial increase occurred in the past 10 years, the value of counterfeit... Read more
21/09/2010 | Events

Inauguration of the Office of Intellectual Property Protection at SUM

On September 30, 2010, starting at 10.00, inside the State University of Moldova, bl. 4, room 222, will be inaugurated the OFFICE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION. That Office was created in the implementation of the TEMPUS Project "MERCURY" (144855-TEMPUS-2008DE-JPHES (2008-4753 )) under the... Read more
18/09/2010 | Events

Advertisement to interested people!

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the Board of Appeals of AGEPI, approved by the Government Decision no. 257 of 02.04.2009, under the orders No. 13 and No. 14 of 17 September 2010, on 5 and 6 October 2010, 09.00, will take place the meetings of the Board of Appeals of AGEPI... Read more
15/09/2010 | Events

General Assembly of the WIPO Member States

The forty-eighth series of meetings of WIPO Member States will run in Geneva in the period 20 to 29 September 2010. The delegations from member countries will meet in ordinary or extraordinary sessions, being invited to speak on the issues included in the Agenda and approve the documents prepared... Read more
15/09/2010 | Events

National Contest "TOP OF INNOVATIONS - 2010"

Organizers of the national contest – the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT), the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) announce the third edition of the Contest "Top of Innovations-2010". The purpose of the contest in question... Read more
07/09/2010 | Events

The 18th anniversary since the foundation of AGEPI

On 8 September 2010 the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) turns 18 years since its foundation. On the basis of its establishment were the Presidential Decree of 25 May 1992 on the establishment of the State Agency on Industrial Property Protection and the... Read more
01/09/2010 | Events

AGEPI at the 19th International Book Fair

On 31 August, during the national Holidays Independence Day and Our Romanian Language, the International Book Fair has opened its works in Chisinau, being this year at the 19th edition. AGEPI participates several years running in this prestigious book fair organized at the National Library,... Read more
26/08/2010 | Events

The 19th Anniversary since the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Moldova

Dear Friends, AGEPI addresses cordial congratulations and best wishes for new achievements, health and prosperity to all applicants, researchers, inventors, authorized representatives and patent attorneys, economic agents on the occasion of the 19th anniversary since the adoption of the Declaration... Read more
20/08/2010 | Events

Information Notice - Public Consultation: EU Geographical Indications

In order to enforce the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 307 of 04.23.2010, to conclude the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on protection of geographical indications for agricultural and food products, the public... Read more
11/08/2010 | Events

Advertisement to interested people!

According to the provisions of the Regulations on the AGEPI Board of Appeals, approved by Government Decision No. 257 of 02.04.2009, under the provisions No. 11 and No. 12 of 10 August 2010, meetings of the AGEPI Board of Appeals will be held on 25 and 26 August 2010, 09.00, during which appeals on... Read more


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