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Debt of gratitude to Maestro Ion Druta


On September 16, 2008 in the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) here was carried on the International Symposium with a title “Ion Druta – humanism and contemporaneity”, dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the famous prose writer of our people. Knowing that the work of exception of maestro Ion Druta contributed to the development of the national culture, the 2008 was declared by the Parliament of Moldova “The year of Ion Druta’, and the Government approved a national program of measures dedicated to the writer.

The manifestation dedicated to the maestro Ion Druta started with a theater debut of the pupils of the ASM lyceum for the gifted children which interpreted fragments of the selected works of the writer. Then, representatives of the academic elite and majority of the guests addressed their congratulations to the writer.

As appreciation of his works and recognizing for the special contribution to the development of the literary and dramatic art in the frame of the jubilee symposium the academician Ion Druta was rewarded with “THE PRIZE FOR CREATIVITY”, instituted in 2001 by the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Special Prize of WIPO, constituting of a diploma with a stamp and signed by the Director General WIPO and with a gold medal, representing the respect of WIPO for the cultural values of some countries, for the authors the artistic creativity of which synthesizes appearing of the original art works bearing a great artistic value. Moreover, the prize that is rewarded once a year in the country and constitutes one of the more important and prestigious prizes in the address of the authors, has a mission to promote knowledge and understanding of the intellectual property system in the whole world. The reward was entrusted by the Vice-Prime Minister Victor STEPANIUC mentioning that “the prose writer, dramaturge, essayist and publicist Ion Druta represents not only a reference name in the literature of RM but a veritable classic of the national literature and is one of coryphées of the universal literature”.

Maestro Ion Druta with his works of high artistic, civic and patriotic contents, with his public approaches substantially contributed to the development of national contemporaneous literature and dramaturgy, evoking the national sense of duty, winning and consolidation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova, patriotic education and cultivation of the esteem to the nation and to the historical past, promotion of the positive image of the country on the international level.

The epic and dramatic works of maestro Ion Druta translated in many foreign languages and put on the scenes of numerous world-known theaters of Europe and Asia, were and remain to be one of the principal spiritual messengers of our people in the world meridians.

The event taking place in the ASM comprised also issue of the volume “The artistic phenomena of Ion Druta” (coordinator – the academician Mihai Dolgan). In the elaboration of the volume took part nearly hundred of scientists, literary historians, theatricians, producers, essayists, publicists and prose writers of ten countries. All the participants of the symposium received the volume as a present.

The national program of actions dedicated to the write will also include the inauguration of the specialized site (www.druta.asm.md), creation of the National Museum “Casa Mare” in Soroca, a reading “The melodies wedding”, foreseen in October 17 in the National Palace, staging in the National theater “Vasile Alecsandri” Balti of a spectacle “Bell Tower”, edition in Bucharest of the more recent works of Ion Druta “Maria Cantemir – the last love of Peter the Great”, and upon the initiative of the writer it will be edited a set of the book “The world-known persons of Moldova”.