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The Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in the field of IP in the frame of CIS countries convoked in Chisinau


On the proposal of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), supported by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the CIS Executive Committee, the XVII-th meeting of the Mix Commission of the member-states of the Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in the field of IP in the frame of CIS countries will be convoked in Chisinau, in the period of current November 18-19. As the host institution AGEPI will provide the necessary assistance in organization and development of the work of mentioned Commission.

In the reunion will take part the representatives and delegates from the member-states of the Agreement from the Republic of Moldova, Byelorussia, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. From the Republic of Moldova in the manifestation there were invited and announced their participation the representatives of the Ministry of the Intern Affairs, Custom Service, Supreme Appeal Curt etc. AGEPI will be represented in the work of the Commission by Dorian CHIROSCA, Director general, Olga BELEI, Director Department Copyright and related rights, as well as Andrei MOISEI, Director Legal Department, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Moldova in the frame of the Mix Commission.

In the frame of the meeting there will be heard the reports of the plenipotentiary representatives of the member-states on execution of the decisions of the XVI meeting of the Commission taking place in the current June in Astana, Kazakhstan; there will be discussed subjects related with the coordination of the draft on the Agreement on realization of the exchange of Information on the intergovernmental level for the struggle against the infringement in the IP field; creation of the national data bases in the field of copyright and related rights, legitimacy using the designations (trademarks), used before creation of the Community of the Independent States; problems of infringement of intellectual property rights in the global net of Internet etc.

Moreover, the participants will represent information on the last achievements in elaboration and improving the national legislation in the IP field, cooperation with ministries and measures taken in the struggle against infringements in the field of intellectual property rights, training of the staff in the present field etc.

The Agreement of Cooperation in the struggle against the infringements in the field of IP in the frame of CIS countries was signed in March 6, 1998 in Moscow and entered in force for the Republic of Moldova on November 20, 2001 (Decision of Government No. 1245 of November 15 2001.