
Заголовок Содержимое Дата публикацииsort ascending
The Role of Parents in Satisfying the Needs of the Teenagers Connected to the Online Environment 04.07.2022
Rolul părinţilor în satisfacerea nevoilor adolescenţilor conectate cu mediul online 04.07.2022
Low-Energy Fruit Dehydration Method 04.07.2022
Low-Energy Fruit Dehydration Method 04.07.2022
Metodă de deshidratare a fructelor cu consum redus de energie 04.07.2022
Объемно-переставные опалубки для возведения монолитных железобетонных зданий 04.07.2022
Volumetric-Adjustable Formwork for the Construction of Reinforced- Concrete Monolithic Buildings 04.07.2022
Объемно-переставные опалубки для возведения монолитных железобетонных зданий 04.07.2022
High-Efficiency Seed Dehydration System 04.07.2022
High-Efficiency Seed Dehydration System 04.07.2022
Sistem pentru deshidratarea seminţelor cu eficienţă înaltă 04.07.2022
Patented Devices and Methods for Utilization in Tissue Engineering 04.07.2022
Patented Devices and Methods for Utilization in Tissue Engineering 04.07.2022
Dispozitive și metode brevetate cu utilizare în ingineria tisulară 04.07.2022
Aspects of Innovation Activity of Enterprises at the Level of the Development Regions of the Republic of Moldova 04.07.2022
Aspects of Innovation Activity of Enterprises at the Level of the Development Regions of the Republic of Moldova 04.07.2022
Aspecte privind activitatea de inovare a întreprinderilor la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare ale Republicii Moldova 04.07.2022
Роль интеллектуальной собственности в предпринимательском праве 04.07.2022
The Role of Intellectual Property in Business Law 04.07.2022
Роль интеллектуальной собственности в предпринимательском праве 04.07.2022
Extension of the Scope of Patenting to the Content of Inventions as a Reality Conditioned by Scientific Evolution in Support of Energy Field Development 04.07.2022
Extension of the Scope of Patenting to the Content of Inventions as a Reality Conditioned by Scientific Evolution in Support of Energy Field Development 04.07.2022
Extinderea ariei de brevetare sub aspect de conţinut al invenţiilor ca realitate condiţionată de evoluţia știinţifică în sprijinul dezvoltării domeniului energetic 04.07.2022
Trends and Challenges of the Intellectual Property System in the Digital Economy 04.07.2022
Trends and Challenges of the Intellectual Property System in the Digital Economy 04.07.2022



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