
Заголовок Содержимое Дата публикацииsort ascending
Combaterea flagelului antisocial de activitate a mercenarilor – studiu de caz. Partea II 09.01.2024
Innovative Business Models in the Circular Economy 09.01.2024
Innovative Business Models in the Circular Economy 09.01.2024
Modele inovatoare de afaceri în economia circulară 09.01.2024
E-Learning Experiences in the Computer Networks Course in Higher Education 09.01.2024
E-Learning Experiences in the Computer Networks Course in Higher Education 09.01.2024
Experienţe e-learning la cursul Reţele de calculatoare în învăţământul superior 09.01.2024
Challenges of Libraries: e-Books and e-Lending 09.01.2024
Challenges of Libraries: e-Books and e-Lending 09.01.2024
Provocările bibliotecilor: cărţile electronice și împrumutul electronic 09.01.2024
Perspectives in the Management of the National Research and Innovation System Viewed in the Context of Digital Transformation 09.01.2024
Perspectives in the Management of the National Research and Innovation System Viewed in the Context of Digital Transformation 09.01.2024
Perspective în gestionarea sistemului naţional de cercetare și inovare privite în contextul transformării digitale 09.01.2024
Results of the Doctoral Studies of the Moldovan Government Members 09.01.2024
Results of the Doctoral Studies of the Moldovan Government Members 09.01.2024
Rezultatele studiilor doctorale ale membrilor Guvernului Republicii Moldova 09.01.2024
The Effectiveness of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Through the Prism of the Behavior of Domestic Consumers of Goods and Services 09.01.2024
The Effectiveness of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Through the Prism of the Behavior of Domestic Consumers of Goods and Services 09.01.2024
Eficienţa protecţiei drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin prisma comportamentului consumatorului autohton de bunuri și servicii 09.01.2024
Protection and Valorization of Traditional Specialties Guaranteed in the Republic of Moldova 09.01.2024
Protection and Valorization of Traditional Specialties Guaranteed in the Republic of Moldova 09.01.2024
Protecţia și valorificarea specialităţilor tradiţionale garantate în Republica Moldova 09.01.2024
The Profit Hidden Behind a Creation 09.01.2024
The Profit Hidden Behind a Creation 09.01.2024
Profitul ascuns în spatele unei creaţii 09.01.2024



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