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From June 1, 2009 AGEPI is available to render service on the electronic filing of documents


Attention of the applicants and patent attorneys!!!

Beginning from 01.05.2009 AGEPI is available to receive applications (documents) in the electronic form, using the digital signature.

The main scope to implement in AGEPI the procedure of filing the documents in the electronic form using the digital signature consists in providing the applicants and patent attorneys with the modern, rapid and effective technologies, permitting automation of the procedures of preparation, formation, control and filing the documents on intellectual property objects.

In order to file the documents in the electronic form it is necessary to obtain from the Center of public authorities administration on certification of the public keys, created in the frame of the State Enterprise “Center of the special telecommunications” (CTS), required means and devices in order to file documents in the electronic form, using the digital signature. The mode of obtaining is accessible on the site http://www.pki.cts.md. On the respective site is also represented „The Guide for the User” where there is described the procedure of installation and control of the public keys.

In the period of transition from the documents on the paper support to the documents in the electronic form the applicant will sign a Declaration on confirming the mode of filing the documents and mail in the electronic form, using the digital signature.

The Instruction on the electronic circulation of documents in the frame of procedures of filing, examination and registration of intellectual property objects will be used for any document received with AGEPI by the electronic means and accompanied with the digital signature.

The electronic documents will be expediated by enclosing thereof to the accompanying letter. The accompanying letter will be crypt and signed with the digital signature. The application on registration of the intellectual property object will be performed in Word format on the model form, approved by AGEPI in accordance with the intellectual property object requested for registration, will be saved and signed with the digital signature. The model forms are placed on the site www.agepi.md.

The receipt of the electronic documents with AGEPI will be carried aut by the AGEPI responsable persons, designated by the Director General.

The date and the time of documents receipt is considered the time of registration by the mail AGEPI server.

Advantages of the procedure will contribute to partial exclusion of the necessity of the applicants and patent attornes to move to AGEPI, as well as will reduce the financial expences, the time required for correspondence by mail with AGEPI.