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Results of ISE “INFOINVENT-2009” - a forum of creativity and innovative perspective


The 11th edition of the International Specialized Exhibition ISE “INFOINVENT-2009” has successfully concluded the work. 2009 is a especially difficult year for our country in many aspects, including organization of events of an international level. However, national scientific research and inventiveness, which gather each year the most important achievements, recently saw a new glow in the exhibition ISE “INFOINVENT-2009”. Its organizers - the State Agency on Intellectual Property, Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo” - have managed to bring inventors and scientists face to face with the public interest, with representatives of manufacturing and commercial firms, to create an environment ideal for the promotion of new technical solutions to international competition. Since the first edition of the ISE “INFOINVENT-2009”, held in 1997, and until now about 1000 exhibitors and visitors have submitted for International Jury assessment 3500 invention, being initiated dozens of partnerships whose purpose is the achievement in the field of intellectual property.

During the exhibition, AGEPI organized with support of European Patent Office and World Intellectual Property Organization the National Seminar titled “Day of patent information”, and the Agency of Innovation and Technology Transfer in the frame of ASM organized a presentation ”Scholarship of inventions and technologies” and a Stand young inventors and students, all of which are thought to come to the aid of experienced inventors, but also find the beginning of the track, they can benefit fully from the information resources offered by the mentioned institutions, in order to make known their inventions and to make useful contacts with individuals and interested companies.

The major goal that proposed the organizers and was fully realized - to reiterate the vital role of inventions and innovations for the domestic enterprises to create new jobs, promote products and technologies that will revitalize the national economy and will make better and more qualitative our lives, of all people.

There was sustained the interest of exhibitors from the Republic of Moldova, Romanian Inventors Forum from Iasi, Suceava University, State University of Pharmaceutical in Ukraine, State Pedagogical University, Kharkov, Military -sea Academy, Sevastopol and Moscow State University permanent participating in the ISE “INFOINVENT” with the most valuable technical solutions, products and technologies show the importance and prestige enjoyed by this national specialized foum. Organizers have also welcomed the first participation of European Patent Office (EPO) representatives based in Munich and representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) based in Geneva, as well as traditional participation of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM) and the Romanian Office for Copyright (ORDA).

During the forum, exhibitors have taken full professional support of AGEPI and the assess of the presented works was made by a objective and professional panel of experts and an international jury, who has designated winners of the original creations from 8 different domains, both important and having a socio-economic impact. Thus, were awarded 118 medals including 31gold, 45 silver and 42 bronze. Most works presented and awards were given in the fields: Chemistry Section, new materials and biotechnology - 36 inventions, 20 medals (8 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze); Section Energy, electricity, electronics, telecommunications , technology, audio, video, computers, software, equipment, office equipment - 81 inventions, 22 medals (3 gold, 11 silver and 8 bronze), Section Medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics, paramedical - 141 inventions, 35 medals (10 gold, 13 silver and 12 bronze), Section agriculture, new plant varieties and animal breeds, food, drinks - 106 inventions, 21 medals (4 gold, 7 silver and 10 bronze). The overall picture reflects the orientation of the national economy and areas of interest to inventors and to market of new techniques, technologies, products and materials.

Distribution of the 72 participants per category is as follows:

  • Institutions and research centers in fields of science and innovation in the republic - 32
  • Universities of the Republic - 5 (4 - Chisinau, 1 - Balti)
  • Other institutions and enterprises of the republic - 6
  • Associations of inventors , representatives of foreign inventions salons - 5
  • Institutions of foreign intellectual property - 4
  • Individuals in the country and abroad - 20.

Beside the posters and billboards with models, the authors and the holders have demonstrated and products based on the implemented inventions. who have titles of protection or decisions to grant title of protection, which have a high technical level, resolve current problems and have a socio-economic or significant technical importance, meet the priority directions of development of science and economy, environmental demands and social aspects of the country, are implemented in the national economy or have contracts of implementation.

Diplomas and awards were also given to participants in the exhibition by the Innovation and Technology Transfer Agency, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, Union Inventors and Rationalizers “INNOVATORUL”, Technical University of Moldova, Romanian Inventors Forum, Salon of inventions and technologies “Novoe Vremea”, Sevastopol,”Naucinaia Scola Pricinnosti”, Kharkov.

One of the most valuable prizes of the ISE “INFOINVENT” is Award of the Moldovan Government “The most gifted inventor of the year”, established by Government Decision No.. 291 of March 28, 2000. Up to nowadays with this award were decorated 7 famous inventors of the republic. At the current edition the international jury decorated Mr Viorel Prisacari, vice-rector SMPhU “N. Testemitanu”, as” The most gifted inventor of 2009”,with appointing the Award of Moldovan Government (5000 leis) – for the Cycle of works in the field of synthesis of copper and cobalt complexes with antimicrobial action; in the nomination “The most gifted woman inventor of the year” was nominated Ms Svetlana Hadjiu from SMPhU” N. Testemitanu” – for the Methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders to children.

The Grand Prix of AGEPI (1500 leis) was granted to Mr. Dorogan Valerian, vice-rector of the Technical University – for the Cycle of works in the field of development quantum therapy apparatuses, used in medicine and the national economy.

“The most gifted young inventor” has become the student Adrian Vlas, village Sarata-Galbena, Hancesti district – for a design of a Mototricycle.

Under the decision of the Commission decorate with the WIPO gold medals “Outstanding Inventor”; and “Remarkable inventor”, established by Government Decision No.. 933 of 12. 09. 2000 winners of this year have become Mr. Tudor Lupascu, director of the Institute of Chemistry of the ASM – for the Cycle of works in the field of chemistry “Use of secondary materials in preparation remedies with antimicrobial properties” and respectively Ms. Svetlana Buraciova, university professor SMPhU “ N. Testemitanu “ - for the cycle of works in the field of medicine ”Synthesis of new compounds possessing antimicrobial and antifungal action”. With the WIPO Trophy “Innovative Enterprise” was awarded the Institute of Research “ELIRI”, selected by the Commission concerned in previous editions of the ISE ”Infoinvent”. In the current edition the WIPO Trophy award “Innovative Enterprise” was given by the Commission to the enterprise “Fala Dental” LLC for the innovative technology used in dental treatment. The trophy will be handed out in the next edition of the exhibition.

The Cup “The most successful Design” was given for the Urban Car, authors: Michael Stamati, Valeriu Podborschi.

AGEPI Cup was awarded to the National Center for Preventive Medicine for The most representative participation in ISE “Infoinvent-2009”, Institute of Intellectual Property Development “Indeprin”LLC - Scientific-Technological Park manager “Academica”- for the support of STP “Academica” residents in the realization of the innovative projects and active participation in the ISE “Infoinvent-2009” and exhibitor “НАУЧНАЯ ШКОЛА ПРИЧИННОСТИ (Ukraine-Russia-Belgium-Estonia) – for the Energy concentration device contributing the creation bioadequate environment.

AGEPI granted a special diploma to the resident and Scientific-Technological Park “Academica” GHERION-SERV. LLC. – for The innovative project “Sorting and processing household and agrofood waste “.

For prodigious activity in the promotion of industrial property protection and fruitful bilateral cooperation, the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (OSIM) was mentioned with special medal AGEPI.

Based on statistical data of patenting/registration activity of intellectual property objects from 1 September 2008- to 31 August 2009, AGEPI gave also “Trophy for innovation and creativity” for a higher education institution - State University of Moldova and a manufacturer-services enterprise” – “SUPRATEN” S. A.

In 2003, at the first competition, this trophy was won by “Salcuta” LLC in field of entrepreneurship-production and rendering services and SUM in the field of research-development and higher education, laureates of the II edition of the competition have become “United Wine Company” LLC and TUM, the III edition – the enterprise EUROALCO LLC and SUM, and the previous edition, IV – SMPhU ”N. Testemitanu “. The leader of the present competition remains the SUM, which possesses the most impressive portfolio of patented inventions and patent applications submitted to AGEPI.

Also in the festivity of the balance of the ISE “Infoinvent” were awarded winners journalists “To build the future of the country with intellectual property”, which reflect the issues of intellectual property protection, as follows:

  • The first prize in the amount of 1500 Leis and Diploma of Excellence was granted to Ms Nadezhda ROMANCIUC (Radio Moldova “International”);
  • The II Prize in the amount of 1000 lei and Diploma of Excellence was awarded to Ms Cristina Moses (Radio Antena C “Modern Technologies”);
  • The third prize 750 lei and Diploma of Excellence was granted to Ms Aksinia Galchina (weekly “Независимая Молдова”)

Including 2 Jury Special prizes of 500 lei and mention Diploma granted:

  • Ms Marina Prodius (Press Agency “INFOTAG”);
  • Ms Tatiana Mark (Economic Magazin “Economist”).

Given that AGEPI, traditionally promote the most valuable indigenous national developments - Awards exhibition - at international exhibitions of inventions in Geneva, Brussels, Pittsburgh, Moscow, Bucharest, Iasi, Sevastopol, etc.. , certainly a large part of the inventions presented at the ISE “Infoinvent-2009” will come to be exhibited to the mentioned salons, enjoying the same high appreciation.