The X-th International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT”


In the period of June 27-30, 2007 in the ISE “Moldexpo” will take place the X-th International Specialized Exhibition «INFOINVENT- 2007».The organizers of the exhibition are the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI), the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and International Exhibition Center “Moldexpo”.

"Infoinvent-2007", as a reunion of the inventors, researches and representatives of the large producing and commercial firms, is an ideal medium of the promotion of the Moldovan technical intelligence in the international competition and at the same time, a place to fiind a market for the elaborated inventions. There will be exposed inventions and utilit models, new products and technologies, plant varieties and animal breeds, trademarks on products and services, industrial designs, craftsmanship objects.

Objectives of the exhibition:

  • promotion of the industrial property objects, as well as new products and technologies;
  • change of the technical-scientific and normative-legislative information in the field of industrial property protection;
  • stimulation of the innovative activity;
  • initiation of the projects on implementing the industrial property objects in the production;
  • granting the promotional assistance with a scope to attract investments for the realization of the innovational projects;
  • creation of the conditions for drafting and realization of the contracts on transfer the rights on the industrial property objects;
  • familiarization of the general public with advatages of the industrial property legal protection.

There will be granted following distinctions:

  • The Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) „The Remarkable Inventor” (1)
  • WIPO Trophy „The Innovator Enterprise” (1)
  • The Prize of the Government of the Republic of Moldova (1)
  • Diplomas and prizes of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • Diplomas and prizes of the Union of Inventors and Rationalizes „Inovatorul”
  • The prize of the Scientific Causality School, Ukraine (2)
  • The prize of the Agency of Economy Development, Sevastopol (1)
  • The prize of the International Organization „Sociopolys in Ukraine” (1)
  • Medals of the International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies „Новое Время” (2 gold, 2 silver medals)
  • Prizes of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Mentions of the Romanian Inventors Forum
  • Prizes of the of Romanian Inventors Society
  • Prizes of the National Institute of Inventica, Iasi, Romania
  • Grand Prix of AGEPI
  • Gold, silver and bronze medals granted by AGEPI
  • AGEPI Trophy for innovation and creativity:
    • for the enterprises possessing the most imposing portfolio of the registered industrial property objects
    • for the research-development institutions possessing the most imposing portfolio of the registered industrial property objects
  • The best young inventor – it is granted the diploma and “Subscribtion-2008 on the journal on the intellectual property “Intellectus”
  • The best woman-inventor – it is granted the diploma and “Subscribtion-2008, the journal on the intellectual property “Intellectus”
  • The best presentation of an implemented invention – a cup and a diploma of AGEPI
  • The most representative participation in the exhibition – it is granted diploma and „Subscription–2008 on The Official Bulletin of Industrial Property”