A familiarization visit of representatives of MRDA and CRDF


On October 20, 2008 in the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) took place the familiarization visit of the representatives of the Association of Research and Development of RM (MRDA) and USA Civil Research and Development Foundation (CRDF).

In the frame of the meetings with the administration AGEPI there were discussed the aspects on the stable cooperation in the frame of the program of business undertakings development in the scientific-technical sector STEP (http://www.mrda.md/step/), started in Moldova in 2006 and realized in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), AGEPI and Agency of Innovation and Technologic Transfer (AITT).

As specified Natalia Pipia, Head Manager of CRDF program, Republic of Moldova together with Georgia and Armenia beneficiates of the financial maintaining of the organization in the scientific-technical field in order to create an efficient mechanism for the development of the innovations market.

This is realized by:

  • Creation of the favourable conditions to the partnership, communication and networking;
  • Promotion of the innovations and new market technologies;
  • Involving the young researchers in the development of the business undertaking abilities.

In their turn, Ion Daniliuc, vice-director AGEPI and Maria Rojnevschi, director Promotion and Publishing Department AGEPI informed the guests on the activity carried out in this field. Namely, it was underlined the positive role of the working meetings of the National Partnership Club “Science and Business” in the frame of which to the participants were represented innovations used in the different fields with the aim of commercialization thereof. The same objectives were purposed by edition and distribution “The Top Innovation Catalogue”. Moreover, AGEPI is the provider of the specialized information with the scope of actualization of the National Site of Innovations (http://www.step.mrda.md/).

In the opinion of representatives AGEPI, CRDF and MRDA it the stabilization of cooperation between the science and business is favourable, fact that contributes to the direct negotiations in order to implement the results of the scientific researches and commercialization of new technologies. In order to simplify the communications between the parties there are periodically organized trainings in relation of marketing the innovations, seminars of popularization, courses, national and international exhibitions. The reunions of the specialists in the field of business and science, as well as representatives of the international financing organizations offer the great perspectives to the inventors, contributing to realization of some successful projects and to the promotion of the applying innovations.

In the second half of the day of October 20 from 14.00 up to17.00 in the Small Hall of ASM there took place the III-d meeting of Venture Conference, organized by MRDA and ASM at the support of CRDF there were heard and selected the projects taking part in the Competition of Grants STEP 2009.