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Online Seminar: Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications


A regional webinar on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications took place on December 8, 2020. The event was organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and aimed to promote knowledge in the field of geographical indications and establish a constructive dialogue between the authorities with responsibilities in the field from the countries of Central Europe and the Baltic States.

In the opening of the event, Giovanni Napolitano, Acting Director of the Department for Transition and Developed Countries of WIPO appreciated the large number of countries represented at the event, which indicates the increased interest of states in the region for the area addressed. Giovanni Napolitano also mentioned that for the states in the region, with rich traditions in the manufacture of high quality products with a high reputation, the geographical indications are presented as ambassadors of their countries of origin, of their reference communities and regions.

Viorel Iustin, Director General of AGEPI, in his welcoming speech, wanted to thank the participants for accepting the invitation to a virtual seminar so important for the Republic of Moldova and expressed his hope that the Covid 19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed by it, which did not allow the organization of the event in the Republic of Moldova, will not diminish the efficiency and constructivism of the discussions.

“For the Republic of Moldova, a small country with limited natural resources and an economy largely based on the agricultural industry, the use of quality systems can contribute to increasing the export potential of quality, value-added domestic products,” also mentioned the Director General of AGEPI.

Next, international and European experts briefed participants on the latest developments in the international geographical indication registration system and presented national and regional best practices in the field of control and certification of products with protected geographical indications.

The experience of the Republic of Moldova in the field of protection of geographical indications and appellations of origin was also presented. In her speech, Natalia Mogol, Deputy Director General of AGEPI, presented both the achievements registered by the Republic of Moldova in implementing a sui generis system of protection of geographical indications and appellations of origin and the challenges faced by both state authorities and system users in its efficient use.

The event was an opportunity to exchange experiences and establish mutually beneficial cooperation relationships with representatives of the states in the region, and, finally, the participants appreciated the usefulness of the seminar and showed interest and willingness to continue discussions within subsequent events to address other aspects related to the protection of geographical indications and appellations of origin.